Y9 Strand Literacy

Texts in context

Analyse how representations of people, places, events and concepts relate to contexts


For example:

  • analysing the representation of a public figure in different types of news media and biographies and recognising how these vary in different contexts
  • analysing the language features used to represent individuals or groups in advertisements from different time periods
Interacting with others

Listen to spoken texts that have different purposes and audiences, analysing how language features position listeners to respond in particular ways, and use interaction skills to present and discuss opinions regarding these texts


For example:

  • presenting a tutorial to the class analysing the purpose, audience and language features of a famous speech
  • using effective strategies for dialogue and discussion in a range of formal and informal contexts, including speaking clearly and coherently and at appropriate length, asking questions about stated and implied ideas, and restating and summarising main ideas
Analysing, interpreting, and evaluating

Analyse and evaluate how language features are used to represent a perspective of an issue, event, situation, individual or group


For example:

  • evaluating how a documentary uses language features to represent a perspective on a contentious issue

Analyse the use of text structures within paragraphs and extended texts, and evaluate their impact on ideas and meaning


For example:

  • evaluating text structures used in non-fiction texts to shape reader response, such as comparison, contrast, juxtaposition, the changing of chronological order, and the expansion and compression of time

Use comprehension strategies, such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, questioning and inferring, to compare and contrast ideas and opinions in and between texts when listening, reading and viewing


For example:

  • comparing the representation of a news event across spoken, print and online sources, summarising their qualities, identifying opinions and analysing evidence
  • connecting information explored in a speech to prior knowledge about a social issue
Creating texts

Plan, create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, organising, expanding and developing ideas, and selecting text structures, language features, literary devices and multimodal features for purposes and audiences in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive, analytical and/or critical


Plan, create, rehearse and deliver spoken and multimodal presentations for purpose and audience, using language features, literary devices and features of voice, such as volume, tone, pitch and pace, and organising, expanding and developing ideas in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive, analytical and/or critical


Consolidate a personal handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and supports writing for extended periods in relevant required contexts


Select and experiment with features of digital tools to create texts for a range of purposes and audiences


For example:

  • creating an advertising campaign, including a print advertisement and audio/visual commercial, for a particular audience
  • creating a short interactive graphic novel or picture book that incorporates words, audio and visual elements
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