Y2 Content Descriptions - Movement and Physical Activity

Movement skills

Introduce fundamental movement skills:

Body management

  • forward roll


  • jump (height)
  • side gallop

Object control

  • one-handed strike
  • hand dribble
  • ball bounce and catch


Apply and consolidate movement skills previously learnt through game and play situations


Movement skills that combine the elements of effort, space and time


For example:

  • playing new games
  • changing rules in familiar games
  • playing games for enjoyment in a range of settings, including in natural environments
Understanding movement

Physical, mental and emotional responses to physical activity


For example:

  • positive responses
  • negative responses

Physical changes to the body when exercising


For example:

  • sweating

Importance of rules and fair play in partner or group activities, and in a range of minor games and physical activities


For example:

  • rules are part of a game and keep it fair and equitable
Interpersonal skills

Positive choices when participating in group activities


For example:

  • dealing with winning and losing
  • affirming differences
  • demonstrating respect for all players and officials
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