Health and Physical Education Support Materials
Assessment Principle 1
Assessment should be an integral part of Teaching and Learning
Health Education snapshot: Personal and social skills
Health and Physical Education/Health Education/Personal, social and community health/ Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
Content Description |
Personal and social skills to interact with others:
Nature of the assessment
Teacher observation during pair and share activities and group activities
Purposes of the assessment
To monitor personal and social skill development in partnership and group situations
Stage in the Teaching sequence
Ongoing observation of children’s learning and development – formative assessment
Assessment task
Knowing that children will demonstrate their skills in a number of ways, the teacher planned a number of ongoing structured and unstructured activities where students worked in pairs or in small groups to collaborate and to listen to each other, for example:
- telling their news to a partner
- ‘who am I’ games, such as ‘guess what animal I am?’
- shared play.
Assessment process
The teacher used a checklist and kept anecdotal notes about the following personal and social interaction skills:
- listen to others
- ask questions
- respond to questions and ideas from others
- express their ideas
- take turns in sharing ideas
- build on others’ ideas
- reflect on their actions.
Using the information
The teacher used this information on how each child is demonstrating these personal and social skills to work with each child and their parents/carers to plan the next stages of their learning.