Year 7

Health and Physical Education Support Materials

Assessment Principle 4

Assessments should be designed to meet their specific purposes

Physical Education snapshot: Basketball

Health and Physical Education/Physical Education/Movement and physical activity/Moving our body

Content Description

Strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and defend space

Defensive skills used to gain control and retain possession

Nature of the assessment

Observation of students’ ability in offensive and defensive skills

Purposes of the assessment

To determine students’ ability to apply tactical responses in a competitive context

Stage in the Teaching sequence

One of several similar assessments conducted at regular intervals across a teaching sequence – formative assessment

Assessment task

Students were arranged into teams of four and played a basketball game on half of the court, following normal basketball rules.

Assessment process

The teacher grouped students by ability and changed their grouping if she felt they were being disadvantaged.

The teacher observed students in terms of their:

Offensive skills:

  • moves to create options
  • creates and maintains space
  • anticipates ball movement and moves to effective attacking position
  • creates attacking goal shooting options
  • uses ball skills effectively
  • shows evidence of strategic thinking in attacking moves.

Defensive skills:

  • reads play and moves to defend
  • anticipates ball movement and moves to effective defensive position
  • uses ball skills effectively
  • shows evidence of strategic thinking in blocking attack.

Using the information

The teacher used her observations to correct individual students’ techniques and to inform her reporting.