Year 8

Health and Physical Education Support Materials

Assessment Principle 1

Assessment should be an integral part of Teaching and Learning

Health Education snapshot: Making informed decisions

Health and Physical Education/Health Education/Personal, social and community health/Being healthy, safe and active

Content Description

Skills and strategies to promote physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing in various situations such as:

  • assertive responses
  • stress management
  • refusal skills
  • contingency plans
  • online environments
  • making informed choices

Nature of the assessment

Pre-assessment to determine prior knowledge

Purposes of the assessment

To assess students’ ability to interpret food labels and make informed choices about the nutritional value of various foods

Stage in the Teaching sequence

At the start of a lesson – formative assessment

Assessment task

Students were given three food labels to analyse. They had to identify and explain which label represented the healthiest option.

Assessment process

The students wrote their answers on index cards which the teacher collected.

Using the information

The teacher used the students’ responses to evaluate their knowledge about how to use the information on food labels to make informed choices about nutrition. Following this the teacher made adjustments to the teaching program.