- using signs to agree or disagree on relevant topics, such as:AGREE YES HOMEWORK SHOULDYes, I agree we should do homework.PRO1 KNOW WHAT MEAN, BUT….I know what you mean, but …PRO1 DOUBTI’m not sure.AGREE-NOT, PRO1 THINK…I don’t agree; I think …
- participating in videoconferencing exchanges with deaf children or other Auslan students from another state to compare and contrast aspects of their school and learning experiences
- contributing to online videoconferencing with other Auslan users to compare and contrast aspects of their school and learning experiences
- using appropriate NMFs when turn-taking, for example:HOLDHold that thought.QUICK INTERRUPTCan I just interrupt you quickly?WAIT….COMECan you just wait a moment … Right, what did you want?
- clarifying meaning, for example by using fingerspelling to explain unfamiliar vocabulary, as in, PRO2 MEAN [fingerspell word]?
- using appropriate protocols to join or leave conversations, for example, waiting for eye gaze or for the signer to finish and not asking for a full recount
- engaging with deaf visitors from different groups and backgrounds and creating a vlog about the visits