  • gathering information from a range of digital and print resources about social and cultural activities in their community, making a list of terms, expressions or behaviours, such as Bayramınız kutlu olsun!, Başınız sağ olsun!, Hayırlara vesile olsun, Allah izin verirse, Hayırlı olsun
  • conducting interviews with family members or friends to collect stories of migration to Australia, identifying words and expressions that reflect important values and feelings, such as gurbet, özlem, heyecan, güvenlik, dostluk, komşuluk
  • gathering and comparing information on topics such as significant elements of family life, community or schooling in Australian and Turkish contexts
  • surveying friends and family members to report on cultural trends or changing social behaviours, such as preferred modes of communication
  • researching their own bicultural biographies, for example, by talking with relatives in Australia and elsewhere to know more about their family’s heritage, history or circumstances, comparing their details with those of their friends
  • collecting and presenting information from a range of print and digital resources about features of their local environment, for example, su, orman yangınları, ekosistem, yabani yaşam
  • viewing documentaries that reflect lifestyles of Turkish-speaking communities in different regions of the world, such as Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti,Türkmenistan,recording key facts and unfamiliar vocabulary or expressions
  • gathering information about well-known people in fields such as sport, entertainment, pop culture, the arts or history, to create a profile to present to their peers