- presenting information to other children in the school or to their families about shared in-class projects, for example, Okulumuzdaki sebze bahçemiz, sınıf içinde hazırladığımız zorbalığa hayır piyesi
- creating texts such as flyers, posters or posts on the school website to advertise special events such as bayram kutlamaları, çokkültürlülük kutlamaları, okul kermesi, nineler ve dedeler günü, Avustralya Temizlik Günü, Okula Yürüme Günü
- presenting information in the form of a class profile, chart or database about each other’s likes, dislikes or interests that they have collected using checklists, surveys or question cues
- providing simple directions and clues in print, spoken or visual formats for activities such as a treasure hunt or mystery tour, for example, sağa dön, sola dön, ileri git, düz git
- explaining a favourite computer game, sport or playground game, highlighting key terms and supporting information with pictures, gestures or demonstrations
- creating a class book or digital display about their local environment, making connections with topics they have been studying in other curriculum areas, for example, Mahallemdeki bitkiler: çiçekler, ağaçlar and/or okul bahçesindeki bitkiler…
- presenting information via picture stories or multimodal displays on aspects of their lives that would interest Turkish-speaking children of their own age in other contexts