- understanding that language varies based on the age, gender and social relationships between speakers, for example, ways of speaking to parents are different to ways of speaking to siblings, lütfen yapma(yın)/yapmasana!
- recognising how language used to greet, apologise and show appreciation with friends, family, elders and less familiar people varies, for example, the use of first names only in greeting cards to friends compared to the use of honorifics to older family members or authority figures, such as teyze, amca
- noticing how people adapt language when speaking with young children, using expressions such as bebişim, cici, and how young children speak differently to adults and to older children, for example, using the ending -cik as in anneciğim ve babacığım when talking to parents
- understanding that Turkish has a standard form spoken in Istanbul and many varieties involving different accents, dialects and vocabulary spoken in different countries and regions in the world
- discussing how accents and dialects vary between different Turkish-speaking communities and different regions of Turkey