  • sharing understandings of what culture is and of how it relates to language and to identity, using statements such as Kültür … demektir, Kültür … oluşur, Kültür ve dil bir milletin en önemli özelliklerindendir, Kültür dili, dil kültürü yaratır
  • drawing on their own experience of using Turkish, English and other languages in different contexts to consider how language can make people feel powerful or weak, can feel inclusive or exclusive
  • noticing how their choice of language such as forms of address, use of adjectives, nouns or pronouns when interacting in Turkish both influences and reflects relationships with people and attitudes and values
  • experimenting with ‘reading between the lines’ of unfamiliar texts such as news reports or speeches to identify values or attitudes that underlie the text, for example, editorials or news reports from different cultural contexts
  • identifying changes in ways of communicating in Turkish or English in today’s society that reflect changes in cultural and social practices, for example, Allahaısmarladık/hoşça kal! Allaha emanet ol/İyi yolculuklar
  • developing language for thinking and talking about cultural expression and representation, for example, bakış açısı,değerler, görüntü, klişe, dahil etmek, dışında bırakmak
  • identifying how words, expressions and actions reflect relationships and social hierarchies, such as the use of titles such as bey/hanım, ağa/hanımağa, usta, çırak, muavin, yardımcı, paşa, öğretmen, hoca, and considering how concepts such as respector hierarchy are expressed in English