  • responding to questions that encourage reflection and require the use of elaborated and evaluative language, for example, how meanings can be interpreted or misinterpreted by others, with particular reference to their experience of moving between Turkish and English
  • asking each other questions that require the use of analytical or comparative language in response, for example, okuduğunuz metindeki bu düşünce izlediğiniz filmde nasıl işlenmiştir? Hangi dilde duygularını daha rahat ifade ediyorsun
  • documenting their experience of learning and using Turkish in the school context, for example, by maintaining a reflective journal that records responses to stimulus questions such as Türkçe’yi daha farklı ortamlarda rahatça kullanabiliyorum
  • using evaluative language to acknowledge elements of others’ arguments or to challenge ideas in a respectful manner, for example, Bazıları böyle düşünse de ben tamamen farklı düşünüyorum