Increase control of context-related vocabulary and analyse how grammatical elements impact on the making of meaning in texts, including:

  • justifying opinions and building logical arguments by expressing additional information and providing reasons, for example, using 不但……而且…… ; 除了……以外 ; 另外, and introducing contrasting views to others using elements such as cohesive devices, for example, 不是……而是……;不过,虽然……但是……
  • exploring the ways in which language can be manipulated to make ideas more objective, for example, removal of personal pronouns and opinions
  • experimenting with the use of 成语 (Chinese set expressions) and famous sayings to substantiate ideas in Chinese
  • experimenting with 的 as a subject modifier to express ideas that would contain relative clauses in English, for example, 我昨天买的书不太贵(ACLCHU076)

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and analyse how grammatical elements impact on the making of meaning in texts, including:

  • justifying opinions and building logical arguments by expressing additional information and providing reasons, for example, using 不但……而且…… ; 除了……以外 ; 另外, and introducing contrasting views to others using elements such as cohesive devices, for example, 不是……而是……;不过,虽然……但是……
  • exploring the ways in which language can be manipulated to make ideas more objective, for example, removal of personal pronouns and opinions
  • experimenting with the use of 成语 (Chinese set expressions) and famous sayings to substantiate ideas in Chinese
  • experimenting with 的 as a subject modifier to express ideas that would contain relative clauses in English, for example, 我昨天买的书不太贵(ACLCHU076)