
Systems of language

Reproduce the sound of the vowels and the letters
c (ch) and trilled r and reproduce spelling of simple, high-frequency words

Notice that statements, commands and questions have different intonations

Recognise and reproduce loan words from English and begin to write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts


Notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • describing possession using word order in familiar phrases, for example, Nama saya…; Ibu saya…
  • describing actions using simple verbs, for example, makan, duduk, minum, suka, tidur, bermain
  • interacting using auxiliary verbs, for example, ada, mau, boleh, bisa
  • using different question words and the anticipated answer, for example, Siapa?; Apa?; Berapa?; Di mana?
  • using imperatives to tell others to do something, for example, Duduk, Lipat tangan, Tepuk tangan
  • referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, for example, nol-sepuluh, puluh, belas
  • recognising joining words or phrases using conjunctions, for example, dan, tetapi
  • referring to things using demonstratives ini and itu, for example, Ini buku
  • describing the characteristics of things using noun-adjective phrases, for example, buku merah, anjing besar, kucing saya kecil, bapak saya tinggi, saya pendek,Ibu saya lucu
  • negating verbs and adjectives using tidak


Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ that takes different forms and uses different structures and features to achieve its purpose

Language variation and change

Understand that Indonesian speakers use language differently in different situations and according to cultural norms such as when at home with the family or in the classroom

Role of language and culture

Understand that all languages, including Indonesian, change continuously through contact with each other and through changes in society