Systems of language
Recognise and reproduce the sounds and intonation patterns of the Italian language noticing similarities and differences with English
Pronounce the Italian alphabet - in particular the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, the rolled r, the c as in ciao and the ch as in chi
Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- noticing definite and indefinite articles with nouns, for example, la matita, il libro, il quaderno; una maestra, uno studente; i ragazzi, le ragazze
- noticing that Italian words end mostly with vowels to mark gender and number, for example, fratello, sorella, libro, libri
- observing that some words which do not end with a vowel are the same in English, for example, computer, robot, yogurt, sport
- identifying people using pronouns, for example, io, tu
- noticing the use of formulaic structures with ho and sono when giving personal information about state or identity, for example, Ho due fratelli; Sono basso; Ho sei anni; Ho gli occhi verdi; Sono alto
- understanding and responding to imperatives, for example, Vieni qui!; Fate attenzione!
- learning the structure of simple statements and questions based on models, for example, lo ho sei anni; Io abito a Subiaco; È Marco? No, è Stefano
- developing number knowledge for numbers
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and different types of texts have different features
Language variation and change
Recognise that Italian speakers use language differently in different situations such as when socialising with peers and friends or at home with the family, for example, Un bacio, papà!;Ti voglio bene, tesoro!
Role of language and culture
Recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different worlds and community languages, including Italian and that Italian and English borrow words and expressions from each other such as opera, pasta, spaghetti, computer