Notice and use context-related vocabulary and apply elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • using verbs in past tense
  • beginning to use counters in Japanese, for example, ~人、~さい、~月
  • indicating time and frequency using expressions such as まいにち、ときどき
  • telling time using ~じ/~じはん です
    なんじ ですか
  • understanding words and expressions indicating direction or means of transportation, for example,
    くるま で がっこう に いきます

Begin to develop a metalanguage in Japanese for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and apply elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • using verbs in past tense
  • beginning to use counters in Japanese, for example, ~人、~さい、~月
  • indicating time and frequency using expressions such as まいにち、ときどき
  • telling time using ~じ/~じはん です
    なんじ ですか
  • understanding words and expressions indicating direction or means of transportation, for example,
    くるま で がっこう に いきます

Begin to develop a metalanguage in Japanese for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English