Curriculum updated: .
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Year Levels
General Capabilities
Cross-curriculum Priorities
Interact with others, sharing and comparing experiences, personal perspectives and points of view on topics related to immediate environment and personal world
[Key concepts, family, community, relationships, interaction protocols, experience, health and well-being, personal and cultural safety; Key processes: sharing, participating, recounting, discussing]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Plan and participate in collaborative activities and events, negotiating and performing different roles and responsibilities that are appropriate to local cultural traditions
[Key concepts: collaboration, experience, shared decision making; Key processes: making arrangements, designing, making, planning, suggesting, negotiating]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Participate in classroom interactions that involve some changes to ways of communicating at school and the development of learning related language and interaction patterns
[Key concepts: interaction patterns, cooperation, domains of language use, agreement/disagreement, reflection; Key processes: working together, contributing, enquiring, building language, monitoring, clarifying, acknowledging, explaining]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.