7-8 Syllabus
7-8 Syllabus
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Years 7 and 8 Band Description
The nature of the learners
These years represent a transition to secondary school. Students in this sequence are continuing to study Modern Greek, bringing with them an established capability to interact in different situations, to engage with a variety of texts and to communicate with some help about their immediate world and that of Greece, Cyprus and other Greek-speaking communities. They have experience in analysing the major features of the language system and in reflecting on the intercultural exchanges in which they are involved.
Modern Greek language learning and use
At this level, learners express ideas and feelings, exchange opinions, negotiate relationships and manage shared activities. They use modelled and rehearsed language in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and increasingly generate original and personal language (Τα ενδιαφέροντά μου είναι ..., Σου αρέσει η μαγειρική;). They create and perform more complex and varied texts, for example, role-plays of interactions at a restaurant, songs about leisure activities, acrostic poems, blogs about experiences at school, tourism advertisements for a Greek island and journal entries. They plan, draft and present imaginative and informative texts, for example, a children’s book, design interactive texts, for example, word games, and collaborative tasks, for example, menus, and participate in discussions and games, such as Greek board games. They use vocabulary and grammar with increasing accuracy, drafting and editing to improve structure and clarify meaning.
Contexts of interaction
Learners work collaboratively and independently, exploring different modes and genres of communication with particular reference to their social, cultural and communicative interests. They pool language knowledge and resources to plan, problem-solve, monitor and reflect. Modern Greek is used not only for classroom interactions and transactions but also for broader interactive and intercultural experiences, such as the exchange of language and culture that occurs with sister-school relationships, and study trips to Greece or Cyprus (Θα επικοινωνήσουμε αύριο με το σχολείομας στην Ελλάδα ...). Extra opportunities for interaction are provided by purposeful and integrated use of information and communication technologies (ICT), for example, videoconferencing, internet video and audio calling, instant messaging and e-learning.
Texts and resources
Learners read, view and interact with a broad range of texts and resources specifically designed for learning Modern Greek in school contexts, such as textbooks, readers, videos and online materials, including those developed for computer-supported collaborative learning. They also access authentic materials created for Greek-speaking communities, such as films, websites, advertisements and magazines.
Features of Modern Greek language use
By building their vocabulary knowledge, learners are able to develop and express more complex concepts in Modern Greek. They use a range of grammatical forms and structures to convey relationships between ideas, events and experiences, developing awareness of the language structures and features of specific texts. They use different processing strategies and their knowledge of language, increasingly drawing on understanding of text types, for example, writing a journal entry, and patterns, for example, correctly using verb endings. They make connections between texts and cultural contexts, identifying how cultural values and perspectives are embedded in language (τοπαλικάρι, η πατρίδα), and how language choices determine how people, issues and circumstances are represented (Να ζήσετε, Πάντα άξιος, Καλά στέφανα, Καλή όρεξη, Στην υγειά σου, Γεια μας, Σιδερένιος!).
Level of support
Learners may have a range of previous experience in the language or may be new learners. A multilevel and personalised approach to teaching and task design is needed for this diversity of prior experience. Consolidation of prior learning is balanced with the provision of new, engaging and challenging experiences. Learners are supported, as they develop increasing autonomy as language learners and users, to self-monitor and reflect on language use in response to their experiences in diverse contexts.
The role of English
Modern Greek is the main language of instruction and interaction, and English is used for conceptually demanding explanations and discussions. Learners continue to develop a metalanguage for thinking and communicating about language, culture and their sense of self, and connections within and across languages and cultures.