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  • exploring the influence of English on informal language used in daily interactions by Vietnamese people in Australia, for example, đi ‘shop’, xem‘TV’, nghe ‘radio’, dùng ‘internet’ and the use of terms such as ‘OK’, ‘hello’ and ‘shopping’
  • recognising that many Vietnamese words are derived from other languages, including French (ba lê/‘ballet’, cà phê/‘café’), English (internet, căn-tin/‘canteen’) and Chinese (phụ huynh, tổ quốc)
  • understanding that some languages are continuously evolving, others are endangered, and some are being revived, with particular reference to indigenous languages used throughout the world, including Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages in Australia
  • reflecting on changes in language practices in modern Vietnamese, and making comparisons with traditional Vietnamese, for example, sử ký and lịch sử, thầy u and ba mẹ, sư phụ and thầy cô
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