Systems of language
Recognise the tone-syllable nature of the spoken language, discriminate use of tones, rhythm and sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support learning the spoken language
Become familiar with the Chinese writing system, looking at how characters evolved, their structure and basic components that feature in many characters
Use knowledge of basic components to predict the meaning of related characters, for example, 火, 人, 山, 木, 口, 日, 月
Recognise some common radicals, for example, 口, 女, 人
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts, by recognising and using
context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including:
- recognising and using simple verbs, including
是, 有, 姓, 叫, 喜欢 - identifying the placement of time phrases; the use of conjunctions (for example, 和 to add information); and the role of measure words, for example, 个, 只, 口
- recognising and beginning to use negative words, including 没, 不
- beginning to use 也 and 和 to connect and sequence information
- using the possessive word 的 with pronouns to make a possessive
- developing knowledge and using numbers 1–100
- using 吗 to change a statement to a question
- recognising and beginning to use particles, such as 呢, for example, 你呢?
- using demonstrative pronouns 这, 那, for example, 这是我的哥哥。; 那是一只狗。
- recognising and using the question word 谁, for example, 他是谁?
Build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Identify and use text structures and language features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts, and compare with structures and features of similar texts in English
Language variation and change
Examine linguistic features in texts to develop an understanding that languages vary according to elements, such as register
Understand that Chinese, like all languages, varies according to participants, roles and relationships, situations and cultures
Recognise that Chinese is an important Asian and global language and that Chinese, like other languages, has evolved and developed through different periods of influence and change
Role of language and culture
Explore the relationship between language and culture