Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and some first elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:
- identifying people using singular and plural subject pronouns; for example, तुम्हारा; आपका; हमारा; उनका
- extending the understanding of gender to objects; for example, बड़ा सेब; बड़ी गाजर; पतली सूई; मोटा धागा
- recognising and using simple adjectives to describe things; for example, ठंडा पानी; सुंदर फूल; ऊंचा पेड़; छोटी चिड़िया
- beginning to use simple sentence structure; for example, यह मेरा बस्ता है
- expressing negation by using words such as ना; नहीं; मत
- showing understanding of location and position; for example, यहां आओ; वहाँ रखो; इधर देखो; दायें; बाएं
- beginning to locate events in time by using the months of the year and the seasons; for example, जनवरी, फ़रवरी, सर्दी गर्मी
- developing number knowledge for 11 to 20
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and some first elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:
- identifying people using singular and plural subject pronouns; for example, तुम्हारा; आपका; हमारा; उनका
- extending the understanding of gender to objects; for example, बड़ा सेब; बड़ी गाजर; पतली सूई; मोटा धागा
- recognising and using simple adjectives to describe things; for example, ठंडा पानी; सुंदर फूल; ऊंचा पेड़; छोटी चिड़िया
- beginning to use simple sentence structure; for example, यह मेरा बस्ता है
- expressing negation by using words such as ना; नहीं; मत
- showing understanding of location and position; for example, यहां आओ; वहाँ रखो; इधर देखो; दायें; बाएं
- beginning to locate events in time by using the months of the year and the seasons; for example, जनवरी, फ़रवरी, सर्दी गर्मी
- developing number knowledge for 11 to 20