Understand communicative features of Indian culture, for instance, non-verbal expressions such as touching someone’s feet to seek their blessings or nodding in agreement and using incomplete sentences; for example, अगर तुमने मेरी बात नहीं मानी तो…; आज घर चलो तो सही...

Recognise that local culture influences how people are addressed; for example, in North India a stranger may address a woman as बहनजी or माताजी, while in Bengal she may be addressed as दीदी and in South India she may be called अम्मा or माँ

Apply knowledge of the features of the Hindi sound system, matras, conjunct sounds, bindu and chandrabindu and underdotted characters while pronouncing Hindi words

Apply Hindi phonic and grammar rules to spell and write unfamiliar words


Understand communicative features of Indian culture, for instance, non-verbal expressions such as touching someone’s feet to seek their blessings or nodding in agreement and using incomplete sentences; for example, अगर तुमने मेरी बात नहीं मानी तो…; आज घर चलो तो सही...

Recognise that local culture influences how people are addressed; for example, in North India a stranger may address a woman as बहनजी or माताजी, while in Bengal she may be addressed as दीदी and in South India she may be called अम्मा or माँ

Apply knowledge of the features of the Hindi sound system, matras, conjunct sounds, bindu and chandrabindu and underdotted characters while pronouncing Hindi words

Apply Hindi phonic and grammar rules to spell and write unfamiliar words