Systems of language
Understand and use the features of the Indonesian sound system, including pronunciation of sound combinations, such as kh and sy in words, such as khatulistiwa, masyarakat, and recognising and reproducing the rhythm of extended sentences, such as the correct pausing for clauses in a complex sentence, for example, …yang sudah diterimanya …
Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by continuing to extend understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Indonesian grammatical system, including:
- understanding embedded clauses using yang, for example, Saya belum berkenalan dengan murid yang baru datang dari Australia.
- indicating equivalence using adalah
- indicating action using transitive verbs, me- verb system, such as -kan or -i suffix and their object-focus di- forms
- comparing things using comparatives and superlatives, for example, paling, ter-, makin lama…, semakin …, makin + adjective
- using adverbs as modifiers, such as kurang, cukup, cuma, agak, hanya, makin
- giving advice, for example, Nasehat saya …; Sebaiknya …; Seharusnya …; and Jangan …, and with suffix -lah, for example, Beristirahatlah.; Tunggulah.
- giving an opinion, for example, Saya berpendapat bahwa …; Saya percaya …
- contrasting two ideas using conjunctions, for example, namun, namun demikian, walaupun begitu and meskipun
- referring to abstract ideas using affixation and nominalisation, for example, belajar, pelajar, pelajaran; kerja, mengerjakan, pekerjaan; sakit, penyakit, kesakitan
- using frequency markers to refer to events and time, for example, sering kali, sekali-sekali, belum pernah, hampir tidak pernah, and time indicators, for example, pada masa depan and yang akan datang
- referring back to something specific using tersebut
- indicating register using colloquial and formal language, for example, nggak, gimana, yang terhormat, sekian
Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts