Interact with the teacher and peers through action-related talk and structured play, to exchange greetings such as Selamat pagi Ibu/Bapak; Sampai jumpa!; Apa kabar? Baik-baik saja

Introduce and share information about themselves, for example, Nama saya…; Umur saya…; Saya tinggal di…; Apa kabar? Saya senang/
; Berapa umurmu? Umur saya lima

Interact with the teacher and peers through action-related talk and structured play, to exchange greetings such as Selamat pagi Ibu/Bapak; Sampai jumpa!; Apa kabar? Baik-baik saja

Introduce and share information about themselves, for example, Nama saya…; Umur saya…; Saya tinggal di…; Apa kabar? Saya senang/
; Berapa umurmu? Umur saya lima