

Initiate and participate in sustained interactions, using descriptive and expressive language in formal and informal exchanges to discuss young people’s experiences and interest in contemporary culture and social issues, for example, Pada pendapat saya…; Pemanasan global merupakan masalah lingkungan yang paling hangat sehingga menjadi topik pembicaraan internasional; Kedatangan siswa pertukaran dari Jakarta menambah pengetahuan kami tentang kebudayaan Indonesia; Program pertukaran siswa tahun ini bisa dikatakan berhasil; HP disukai oleh kaum remaja, baik di Australia maupun di Indonesia; Gimana lu tahu dia mau ke Jakarta sih? Gue udah baca Fesbuknya tadi malam; Belajar bahasa Indonesia penting karena…; Anda akan belajar apa tahun depan dan mengapa?

Contribute ideas, opinions and suggestions in interactions related to shared activities such as organising real or simulated forums to raise awareness of contemporary culture and social issues, exchanging resources and information, solving problems and managing diverse views, for example, Apakah sudah ada acara besok malam?; Bagaimana kalau kita ke…; Lebih baik naik…atau…?; Kamu pilih yang mana?; Seharusnya kamu bertanya untuk mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik

Participate in transactions, including making complaints and recommendations, for example, Coba dulu!


Analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and information from a range of perspectives on texts related to aspects of their personal, natural and social worlds such as regional news headlines, local community announcements and advertisements and identify how context and culture affect how information is presented

Convey information, comments, perspectives and experiences on texts related to aspects of their personal, natural and social worlds, using different modes of presentation to suit different audiences or to achieve different purposes


Analyse how imaginative texts create aesthetic, humorous or emotional effects in ways that reflect cultural influence such as poems, songs, dance, street art and performance

Create and present a range of imaginative texts on themes of personal or social relevance, to express ideas or that reflect cultural values, social issues or experience


Consider the nature of translating and interpreting, explaining how cultural perspectives and concepts have been represented when transferring meaning from one language to another


Reflect on the experience of learning and using Indonesian, considering how intercultural communication involves taking responsibility for contributing to mutual understanding by modifying language and behaviours in relation to cultural perspectives

Explore and express their own cultural identity and ability to act as a cultural mediator between Indonesian speakers and Australians