Systems of language
Understand pronunciation and intonation conventions and apply them to new words with affixation and a range of complex sentences
Increase control of context-related vocabulary and analyse how grammatical elements impact on the making of meaning, including:
- using adjectival word order to express possession, for example, siswa pertukaran/pertukaran siswa
- referring to abstract ideas by nominalising using prefixes and suffixes, for example, pe-an, per-an (pendidikan, pelajaran, pertandingan, pengetahuan), ke-an (kebersihan, kesehatan, kedatangan, kecantikan)
- recognising syntactic differences between subject-focus and object-focus construction, for example, Dia menjual minuman itu di toko-toko; Minuman itu dijual di toko-toko
- indicating action using, for example:
- transitive verbs, me- verb system (-kan or -i suffix) in subject-focus and object-focus with di- prefix
- duplication of verbs (duduk-duduk, jalan-jalan, lihat-lihat)
- adverbs as modifiers (kurang, cukup, cuma, agak, hanya, makin, baik…maupun…)
- contrasting ideas using conjunctions, for example, sehingga, sementara, sedangkan, sambil, oleh karena itu, andaikata, jika, bila, kalau
- indicating register using colloquial and formal language, for example, nggak, gimana, kok, deh, lho/lo; yang terhormat, sekian
- expressing opinions, for example, Saya rasa; Saya lebih suka; lebih…dibandingkan…; Pertama-tama…sekarang…; Bisa dikatakan…; Anjuran saya…
- influencing others by persuading using superlatives (paling…, ter-), encouraging (cobalah, mari, ayo) and advising (sebaiknya, seharusnya, mesti)
- evaluating by using, for example, Pada pendapat saya; Menurut saya; Di satu pihak…di pihak lain…; sebaliknya
- maintaining interaction using rhetorical devices, for example, Betul?; Bukan? and verbal fillers such as kalau saya tidak salah, omong-omong, begini…
Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions
Analyse how different types of text incorporate cultural and contextual elements
Language variation and change
Analyse and explain the ways in which Indonesian varies according to spoken and written forms, cultural context and subcultures
Explain how Indonesian language and culture have evolved and how they continue to change over time and understand the power of language to influence social and cultural relationships and practices
Role of language and culture
Understand that Indonesian language and culture are interrelated and that they shape and are shaped by each other in a given moment and over time