Year 3 SyllabusTest


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Year 3 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 3 Korean: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Korean language developed in Year 2 and focuses on extending students’ oral and written communication skills. Students benefit from varied, activity-based learning that builds on their interests and capabilities and makes connections with other areas of learning.

In Year 3, students communicate in Korean, interacting with their teacher and peers to exchange information about friends and family members. They participate in individual and collaborative tasks that involve following instructions, asking questions and making statements. Students locate specific points of information in a range of short texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds in simple statements, short descriptions and modelled texts. They participate in and respond to imaginative texts, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements about characters or themes. Students create and perform short imaginative texts that use familiar expressions and modelled language as well as simple visual supports.

Students become familiar with the systems of the Korean language, recognising the sound–writing relationships of the 10 basic vowels and 14 basic consonant letters, and use this knowledge to construct and deconstruct syllable blocks. They notice and use context-related vocabulary and elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts, such as recognising honorifics and using simple question words, to generate language for purposeful interaction. Students begin to develop a metalanguage in Korean for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English.

Students understand and demonstrate how language use varies according to the participants’ identity and context of use. They notice differences between Korean, Australian and other cultures’ practices and how these are reflected in language.

In Year 3, students require extensive support with their language learning. Tasks are carefully scaffolded, and models and examples are provided, along with support for self-monitoring and reflection. Students are encouraged to use Korean as much as possible for classroom routines and social interactions, and in learning tasks.



Interact with teacher and peers orally and in writing to exchange information about friends and family members; for example, 우리 가족은 5명이에요. 아빠, 엄마, 할머니, 언니 그리고 제가 있어요. 아빠는 힘이세요.; 엄마는 예뻐요.; 언니는 10살이에요.

Participate in routine exchanges, such as asking each other how they are; for example, 선생님,
안녕하세요? 새해복많이받으세요.; 생일축하합니다!


Participate in individual and collaborative tasks that involve following instructions, asking questions and making statements, and asking for help and permission; for example, 이게 뭐예요? 책이에요.
누구 책이에요?



Locate specific points of information in a range of short written, spoken, multimodal and digital texts related to their personal worlds


Convey factual information about their personal worlds in simple statements, short descriptions and modelled texts



Participate in and respond to imaginative texts, acting out events, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements about characters or themes


Create and perform short imaginative texts that use familiar expressions and modelled language as well as simple visual supports; for example, 곰 세마리



Translate words and expressions in simple texts such ascaptions, story titles or recurring lines in a story, noticing which ones are difficult to interpret

Show understanding that some English slang words have been incorporated into Korean language; for example, 오케이 (OK), 바이 바이 (bye bye)



Notice what looks or feels similar to or different from their own language and culture when interacting in Korean



Systems of language

Recognise the sounds of 10 basic vowel letters and 14 basic consonant letters

Reproduce pronunciation and intonation and recognise sound–writing relationships


Experiment with Hangeul consonants and vowels to construct/deconstruct syllable blocks

Recognise and copy some high-frequency words in familiar contexts


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:

  • recognising the honorific meaning embedded in
    -세요 in different types of sentences; for example, 운동해요 versus 운동하세요
  • recognising that 이게, 저게 and 그게 refer to objects without naming and that they are subjects in sentences; for example, 이게 뭐예요?
  • using simple question words, such as 누구/누가, 무엇/뭐 or 몇, to ask about a person, object or number
  • developing number knowledge beyond 10 and recognising the naming pattern
  • beginning to use basic number expressions with appropriate counters; for example, 다섯 명, 여덟 살
  • using vocabulary to describe familiar objects or people; for example, 친구는 자상해요.;
    우리 엄마예요.;
    아빠는 간호사예요.



Begin to develop a metalanguage in Korean for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English


Recognise the particular language features and textual conventions in simple and familiar spoken, written and multimodal Korean texts


Language variation and change

Understand and demonstrate how language use varies according to the participants’ age, gender and relationship, and the context of use


Role of language and culture

Notice differences between Korean, Australian and other cultures’ practices and how these are reflected in language


Achievement standard

At standard, students use simple modelled language, when participating in spoken and written interactions, to exchange information about friends and family members. Students locate specific points of information in short texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds with simple statements, short descriptions and modelled texts. They participate in and respond to imaginative texts, acting out events, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements about characters or theme. Students create and perform short imaginative texts that use modelled language as well as simple visual supports. They translate words and expressions in simple texts, including English words that have been incorporated into Korean language, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. When interacting in Korean, students talk about what looks or feels similar to or different from their own language and culture.

Students become familiar with the Korean sound and writing systems, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, using words and expressions to convey factual information at word and simple sentence level, and some first elements of grammar to write simple texts. They begin to describe, with guidance, how the Korean language works, using terms similar to those used in English, and apply some of the language features and textual conventions in simple and familiar Korean texts. Students show how language use varies according to the participants’ age, gender and relationship and the context of use. They talk about the differences between Korean, Australian and other cultures’ practices and how these are reflected in language.

Year Level Description

Year 3 Korean: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Korean language developed in Year 2 and focuses on extending students’ oral and written communication skills. Students benefit from varied, activity-based learning that builds on their interests and capabilities and makes connections with other areas of learning.

In Year 3, students communicate in Korean, interacting with their teacher and peers to exchange information about friends and family members. They participate in individual and collaborative tasks that involve following instructions, asking questions and making statements. Students locate specific points of information in a range of short texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds in simple statements, short descriptions and modelled texts. They participate in and respond to imaginative texts, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements about characters or themes. Students create and perform short imaginative texts that use familiar expressions and modelled language as well as simple visual supports.

Students become familiar with the systems of the Korean language, recognising the sound–writing relationships of the 10 basic vowels and 14 basic consonant letters, and use this knowledge to construct and deconstruct syllable blocks. They notice and use context-related vocabulary and elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts, such as recognising honorifics and using simple question words, to generate language for purposeful interaction. Students begin to develop a metalanguage in Korean for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English.

Students understand and demonstrate how language use varies according to the participants’ identity and context of use. They notice differences between Korean, Australian and other cultures’ practices and how these are reflected in language.

In Year 3, students require extensive support with their language learning. Tasks are carefully scaffolded, and models and examples are provided, along with support for self-monitoring and reflection. Students are encouraged to use Korean as much as possible for classroom routines and social interactions, and in learning tasks.

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