Systems of language
Recognise the sounds of 10 basic vowel letters and 14 basic consonant letters
Reproduce pronunciation and intonation and recognise sound–writing relationships
Experiment with Hangeul consonants and vowels to construct/deconstruct syllable blocks
Recognise and copy some high-frequency words in familiar contexts
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:
- recognising the honorific meaning embedded in
-세요 in different types of sentences; for example, 운동해요 versus 운동하세요 - recognising that 이게, 저게 and 그게 refer to objects without naming and that they are subjects in sentences; for example, 이게 뭐예요?
- using simple question words, such as 누구/누가, 무엇/뭐 or 몇, to ask about a person, object or number
- developing number knowledge beyond 10 and recognising the naming pattern
- beginning to use basic number expressions with appropriate counters; for example, 다섯 명, 여덟 살
- using vocabulary to describe familiar objects or people; for example, 친구는 자상해요.;
우리 엄마예요.;
아빠는 간호사예요.
Begin to develop a metalanguage in Korean for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English
Recognise the particular language features and textual conventions in simple and familiar spoken, written and multimodal Korean texts