Year 5 SyllabusTest


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Year 5 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 5 Korean: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Korean language developed in Year 4 and focuses on extending students’ oral and written communication skills and their understanding of Korean language and culture.

In Year 5, students communicate in Korean, initiating interactions with their teacher and peers to exchange information about their home, neighbourhood and local community. They engage in collaborative tasks that involve planning outings, conducting events and completing transactions. Students gather, compare and convey information and supporting details and ideas from texts related to their personal and social worlds. They engage with imaginative texts, sharing responses to characters, events and ideas, and make connections with their own experiences and feelings. Students create or reinterpret, present or perform imaginative texts for different audiences, based on or adapted from events, characters or settings.

Students become more familiar with the systems of the Korean language. They recognise and apply features of intonation and pronunciation and read and write simple words using Hanguel. Students use context-related vocabulary and elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for purposeful interaction, such as recognising set phrases with nouns and particles. They build a metalanguage in Korean to comment on vocabulary and grammar and describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures.

Students show understanding that there are different forms of spoken and written Korean used in different contexts within Korea and in other regions of the world. They are encouraged to reflect on how their own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects communities’ ways of thinking and behaving, and may be differently interpreted by others.

In Year 5, students are widening their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Korean. They are supported to use Korean as much as possible for classroom routines and interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice. English is predominantly limited to use for discussion, clarification, explanation, analysis and reflection.



Initiate interactions with teacher and peers orally and in writing to exchange information about their home, neighbourhood and local community; for example, 우리 집은 프리맨틀에 있어요.;
내일 친구하고 도서관에 가요.


Interact in classroom activities such as creating and following shared class rules and procedures, expressing opinions and asking for permission or clarification; for example,
한국어로 뭐예요?; 화장실에 가도 돼요?; 맞아요.;


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve organising displays, planning outings and conducting events, such as performances, group games or activities, and completing transactions in places such as a café or a market



Gather and compare information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts related to their personal and social worlds


Gather and convey information and ideas in different formats from a range of texts related to their personal and social worlds



Share responses to characters, events and ideas in imaginative texts, such asstories, dialogues, cartoons, television programs or films, and make connections with their own experience and feelings


Create or reinterpret, present or perform imaginative texts for different audiences, based on or adapted from events, characters or settings



Translate simple texts from Korean to English and vice versa, noticing which words or phrases require interpretation or explanation; for example, 벼 (rice as a crop), 쌀 (rice as raw grains), 밥 (cooked rice/meals)

Use visual, print or online dictionaries, word lists and pictures to translate short familiar texts



Compare ways of communicating in English-speaking and Korean-speaking contexts and identify ways in which culture influences language use



Systems of language

Reproduce pronunciation, intonation and stress, recognising the relationship between sounds, words and meaning


Recognise basic punctuation in writing, including a question mark ‘?’ for questions, an exclamation mark ‘!’ for expressing emotions and a full stop ‘.’ for other types of sentences

Read and write simple words using Hangeul


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by recognising and using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:

  • recognising the noun + - (으)로, as a set phrase; for example, 한국어로 뭐예요?
  • recognising and using the particle -하고; for example, 친구하고 카로셀에 가요.
  • recognising and using the particle -에서 as an additional indicator of location of things; for example, 집에서 가까워요.
  • using 가까워요 and 멀어요 to describe distance between two places
  • using question words to ask about reasons and prices in set phrases; for example, 왜요?;
  • expanding the use of number expressions with appropriate counters; for example, 한 개, 삼 학년, 이천 원
  • extending knowledge in the Sino-Korean numbering system to apply to appropriate contexts, such as money and addresses
  • describing emotions, feelings or viewpoints; for example, 재밌어요.; 어려워요.
  • using vocabulary to describe basic activities in and locations of school, home and surrounding environments



Build a metalanguage in Korean to comment on vocabulary and grammar, and describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures


Recognise that spoken, written and multimodal Korean texts have certain conventions and can take different forms depending on the context in which they are produced


Language variation and change

Understand that there are variations in Korean as it is used in different contexts by different people; for example,formal/informal register and regional variations


Role of language and culture

Understand that there are different forms of spoken and written Korean used in different contexts within Korea and in other regions of the world

Reflect on how their own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects communities’ ways of thinking and behaving and may be differently interpreted by others


Achievement standard

At standard, students use familiar language when participating in spoken and written interactions, to exchange information about their home, neighbourhood and local community. They use mostly familiar language to participate in tasks that involve planning outings and conducting events. Students gather and compare information and supporting details and convey information and ideas in different formats from texts related to their personal and social worlds. They share simple responses to characters, events and ideas in imaginative texts and make simple connections with their own experiences. They create and present, with guidance, imaginative texts for different audiences, based on or adapted from events, characters or settings. Students translate simple texts from Korean to English and vice versa, showing some awareness that there are words or phrases that require interpretation or explanation. They use dictionaries, word lists and pictures to translate short familiar texts. Students identify ways in which culture influences language use and provide simple examples when comparing ways of communicating in Australian and Korean-speaking contexts.

Students become familiar with the Korean sound and writing systems, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, using a range of vocabulary and developing and applying knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts related to their home, neighbourhood and local community. Students talk about how the Korean language works, with guidance. They identify that texts have certain conventions and can take different forms. They explain that the differences in how people use Korean may be due to differences in register and regional variations. Students discuss how their own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects communities’ ways of thinking and behaving and may be differently interpreted by others.

Year Level Description

Year 5 Korean: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Korean language developed in Year 4 and focuses on extending students’ oral and written communication skills and their understanding of Korean language and culture.

In Year 5, students communicate in Korean, initiating interactions with their teacher and peers to exchange information about their home, neighbourhood and local community. They engage in collaborative tasks that involve planning outings, conducting events and completing transactions. Students gather, compare and convey information and supporting details and ideas from texts related to their personal and social worlds. They engage with imaginative texts, sharing responses to characters, events and ideas, and make connections with their own experiences and feelings. Students create or reinterpret, present or perform imaginative texts for different audiences, based on or adapted from events, characters or settings.

Students become more familiar with the systems of the Korean language. They recognise and apply features of intonation and pronunciation and read and write simple words using Hanguel. Students use context-related vocabulary and elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for purposeful interaction, such as recognising set phrases with nouns and particles. They build a metalanguage in Korean to comment on vocabulary and grammar and describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures.

Students show understanding that there are different forms of spoken and written Korean used in different contexts within Korea and in other regions of the world. They are encouraged to reflect on how their own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects communities’ ways of thinking and behaving, and may be differently interpreted by others.

In Year 5, students are widening their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Korean. They are supported to use Korean as much as possible for classroom routines and interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice. English is predominantly limited to use for discussion, clarification, explanation, analysis and reflection.

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