
Initiate and participate in interactions with peers and known adults orally and in writing to discuss and share ideas, opinions and experiences of special holidays and travel; for example, 여행은 어디로
갔어요? 엄마, 할머니, 언니랑 마가렛 리버에 갔어요.
숙소 옆에 바다가 있었어요.; 방학 때 어디를 갔어요? 친구랑 형하고 기차여행을 갔어요.



Engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve planning experiences and activities, including culture-specific experiences – for example,추석, 돌잔치, 빼빼로 데이, 설날; preparing for a real or virtual event, trip or excursion, a sporting event or community festival – considering options, negotiating arrangements, solving problems and participating in transactions that include purchasing goods and services