Year 10 SyllabusTest


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Year 10 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 10 Tamil: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in Tamil developed in Year 9 and focuses on extending students’ oral and written communication skills and their understanding of Tamil language and culture. Students require continued guidance and mentoring at this stage of their language learning, but work with increasing independence to analyse, reflect on and monitor their progress and intercultural experiences. They consider future pathways and prospects, including how Tamil language may feature in these.

In Year 10, students communicate in Tamil, initiating and participating in sustained interactions with others to discuss young people’s experiences and interests in contemporary culture and social issues. They contribute ideas, opinions and suggestions in individual and collaborative tasks related to exchanging resources and information, solving problems and managing diverse views. Students analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and information from a range of perspectives in texts and identify how context and culture affect how information is presented. They convey information and share comments, experiences and perspectives on texts, using language and various modes of presentation to achieve different purposes. Students analyse how aesthetic, humorous or emotional effects are created in ways that reflect cultural influence in imaginative texts, and create and present a range of imaginative texts on themes of personal or social relevance.

Students show understanding of the systems of the Tamil language, explaining differences in intonation, rhythm and sounds when listening to speakers of different ages, genders and social positions, and show understanding of the structure of complex sentences. They generate language for purposeful interaction in spoken and written texts by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical elements, such as using adverbs and adverbial phrases of manner, place and time to modify the meaning of verbs and adjectives, expressing opinions and influencing others by encouraging and advising. Students further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions.

Students understand that Tamil language and culture are interrelated and that they shape and are shaped by each other in a given moment and over time.

In Year 10, students are expanding the range and nature of their learning experiences and the contexts in which they communicate with others and are challenged with more independent learning experiences. While they are becoming increasingly autonomous when using Tamil in familiar contexts, they require continued scaffolding, modelling and monitoring when using the language in less familiar contexts.



Initiate and participate in sustained interactions with others orally and in writing to discuss young people’s experiences and interest in contemporary culture and social issues; for example, இளைஞர்களின் ஆரோக்கியம், மொழியைக் கற்றல், தற்கால மற்றும் எதிர்கால பொறுப்புகளும்.

Express feelings and justify opinions; for example, உங்களுக்கு/உனக்கு எப்படி இருக்கிறது?; உங்களுக்கு/உனக்கு தமிழ் படிக்க கடினமாக இருக்கிறதா?; எனக்கு, நான் நினைக்கிறேன்…; சூழலின் தூய்மையைப் பேண என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?; அடுத்த வருடம் நீ என்ன படிக்கப் போகிறாய்?/நீங்கள் என்ன படிக்கப் போகிறீர்கள்?

Contribute ideas, opinions and suggestions in individual and collaborative tasks, exchanging resources and information, solving problems and managing diverse views; for example,organising real or simulated forums, social media or daily news segments, protests or rallies to raise awareness of contemporary culture and social issues


Analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and information from a range of perspectives on texts related to aspects of their personal, natural and social worlds, such asregional news headlines, local community announcements and advertisements, and identify how context and culture affect how information is presented

Convey information, comments, perspectives and experiences on texts related to aspects of their personal, natural and social worlds, using language and different modes of presentation to suit different audiences or to achieve different purposes


Analyse how aesthetic, humorous or emotional effects are created in ways that reflect cultural influence in imaginative texts, such as poems, short stories, cartoons, films, songs, dance, street art and performance; for example, பாரதியார் கவிதைகள்

Create and present a range of imaginative texts on themes of personal or social relevance to express ideas or reflect cultural values, social issues or experience


Consider the nature of translating and interpreting, explaining how cultural perspectives and concepts have been represented when transferring meaning from one language to another; for example, how popular Tamil expressions and idioms, such as கல்யாணம் என்பது ஆயிரம் காலத்துப் பயிர்; எனக்கு ஏற்கனவே காது குத்தியாச்சு, can create confusion when translated literally


Reflect on the experience of learning and using Tamil, considering how intercultural communication involves taking responsibility for contributing to mutual understanding by modifying language and behaviours in relation to cultural perspectives

Explore and express own cultural identity and ability to act as a cultural mediator between Tamil speakers and other Australians


Systems of language

Recognise and use correct sound pronunciation, intonation and rhythm in spoken text in a poem, song or story; for example, தமிழுக்கும்
அமுதென்று பேர் …

Compare how spoken Tamil is different in various parts of India, Sri Lanka and other Tamil-speaking countries, and that each dialect is influenced by the local language of the region

Recognise, understand and use Grantha letters, which are used for writing Sanskrit words; for example, ஷ் as in கிருஷ்ணன், ஹ as in ஹரிஹரன்

Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Tamil grammatical system, including:

  • describing direct object pronouns; for example, தேவி மேடையில் நடனம் ஆடினாள்.
  • recognising indirect object pronouns; for example, ராமன் தனது மனைவிக்கு கழுத்தணியைக் கொடுத்தான்.
  • using adverbs and adverbial phrases of manner, place and time to modify the meaning of verbs and adjectives, such as describing events across different times, choosing appropriate tenses; for example, காலையில் திருவிழா இடம் பெற்றது.; தற்போது பேச்சுப்போட்டி நடைபெற்றுக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது.; இன்று இரவு பெர்த் கலைக்கூடத்தில் கலைநிகழ்ச்சி நடைபெறும்.
  • introducing additional information when describing actions, people and objects by using a range of prepositions, including articulated prepositions; for example, கருத்தின் படி, மேலும்
  • using connectors to form paragraphs; for example, முதலில், அடுத்தபடியாக, எனவே, மேலும், இறுதியாக, ஆகவே
  • expressing opinions; for example, நினைக்கிறேன், நான் உணர்கிறேன், நான் அதிகமாக விரும்புவது, ஒப்பிடும் போது, என் சார்பில்
  • using encouraging words, such as முயற்சி செய், advising words, such as, செய்தாக வேண்டும், கட்டாயம், உறுதியாக, and evaluating words, such as, என் கருத்தின் படி, என்னைப் பொறுத்தவரை, என்
    நம்பிக்கையின் படி, ஒரு புறம், எதிர்மாறாக
  • using the modal verbs செல்ல வேண்டும், திறமையாக, முடிக்க வேண்டும், அவசியம் எழுத வேண்டும்; for example, நீங்கள் ஏன் தமிழைத் தொடர்ந்து படிக்கிறீர்கள்?; நான் பல்கலைக்கழகம் தொடங்கும் முன் அமெரிக்கா செல்ல விரும்புகிறேன்.
  • using similes in sentences; for example, எலியும் பூனையும் போல; நகமும் சதையும் போல
  • using metaphors; for example, செவ்விதழ்கள், கயல்கண், முத்துப்பல்
  • using phrases and idioms to express complex ideas in simple ways; for example, உச்சி குளிர்தல், முதலைக்கண்ணீர்
  • understanding the function of proverbs and quotations; for example, அடாது செய்தவன் படாது படுவான்.; அப்பன் அருமை மாண்டால் தெரியும்.; திரைகடல் ஓடியும் திரவியம் தேடு.
  • indicating register using colloquial and formal language; for example, இல்ல, எப்போ?, எவுள?, மதிப்பிற்குரிய
  • understanding the structure of complex sentences; for example, காரணத்தோடு வரும் துன்பங்களை விவேகத்தோடு சமாளிக்க வேண்டும். - கவியரசு கண்ணதாசன்

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions

Language variation and change

Analyse and explain how and why language is used differently in a range of texts, considering features such as dialects and register

Explain how Tamil language and culture have evolved and how they continue to change over time, and understand that language use has the power to influence social and cultural relationships and practices

Role of language and culture

Understand that Tamil language and culture are interrelated and that they shape and are shaped by each other in a given moment and over time

Achievement standard

At standard, students use familiar language when initiating, in part, and participating in sustained spoken and written interactions to provide information on young people’s experiences and interest in contemporary culture and social issues. Students analyse, synthesise and evaluate some ideas and information in texts, and identify how context and culture affect the way in which information is presented. Students explain how different effects are used in imaginative texts to reflect cultural influence and they create and present simple imaginative texts that express ideas, reflect cultural values, social issues or experience. When translating and interpreting from one language to another they describe how cultural perspectives and concepts have been represented. Students describe the experience of learning and using Tamil, considering how intercultural communication involves modifying language and behaviours. They also explore and express their own cultural identity and ability to act as a cultural mediator between Tamil speakers and non Tamil speaking Australians.

Students apply, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, the Tamil sound and writing systems when using familiar vocabulary related to discussing young people’s experiences and interest in contemporary culture and social issues, and extending their use of elements of grammar in spoken and written texts. Students use some metalanguage to discuss and explain some grammatical forms and functions. They discuss how different types of text include cultural and contextual elements and explain how and why language is used differently in a range of texts. They describe how Tamil language and culture have evolved, are interrelated and how they shape, and are shaped, by each other.

Year Level Description

Year 10 Tamil: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in Tamil developed in Year 9 and focuses on extending students’ oral and written communication skills and their understanding of Tamil language and culture. Students require continued guidance and mentoring at this stage of their language learning, but work with increasing independence to analyse, reflect on and monitor their progress and intercultural experiences. They consider future pathways and prospects, including how Tamil language may feature in these.

In Year 10, students communicate in Tamil, initiating and participating in sustained interactions with others to discuss young people’s experiences and interests in contemporary culture and social issues. They contribute ideas, opinions and suggestions in individual and collaborative tasks related to exchanging resources and information, solving problems and managing diverse views. Students analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and information from a range of perspectives in texts and identify how context and culture affect how information is presented. They convey information and share comments, experiences and perspectives on texts, using language and various modes of presentation to achieve different purposes. Students analyse how aesthetic, humorous or emotional effects are created in ways that reflect cultural influence in imaginative texts, and create and present a range of imaginative texts on themes of personal or social relevance.

Students show understanding of the systems of the Tamil language, explaining differences in intonation, rhythm and sounds when listening to speakers of different ages, genders and social positions, and show understanding of the structure of complex sentences. They generate language for purposeful interaction in spoken and written texts by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical elements, such as using adverbs and adverbial phrases of manner, place and time to modify the meaning of verbs and adjectives, expressing opinions and influencing others by encouraging and advising. Students further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions.

Students understand that Tamil language and culture are interrelated and that they shape and are shaped by each other in a given moment and over time.

In Year 10, students are expanding the range and nature of their learning experiences and the contexts in which they communicate with others and are challenged with more independent learning experiences. While they are becoming increasingly autonomous when using Tamil in familiar contexts, they require continued scaffolding, modelling and monitoring when using the language in less familiar contexts.

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