Interact with peers, the teaching team and visiting Noongar Elders and community members, using familiar Noongar language and gestures to greet and farewell; for example, Kaya.; Kaya Miss/Mr Jones.; Boorda/Boordawan ...
Participate in simple word games, such as Naatj nidja? (Stepping stones game); Naatj kooda-k nyininy (What’s in the bag?) and action songs with lots of repetition and visual support, such as Kaya koolangka, kaya koolangka (Greeting song); kaat, djerdim, boornitj, djena (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)
Respond to simple instructions, such as yoowarl koorl, dat nyin, yira yaak, dordong warn, bedik-bedik, with modelled language and gestures