Recognise and learn the different sounds of the Noongar language and link these to written symbols on Noongar sound charts
Recognise that some sounds in English are not in Noongar, including Marribank vowels, consonants and digraphs, and practise:
- long and short vowels
- consonants/digraphs: soft and hard sounds b, bw, d, dj, dw, k, kw, l, -ly, m, n, ng, ny, -p, r, -rd, -rl, -rn, rt, -t, -t, tj, w, y
- producing sounds blowing a paper or feather
- sound rhymes with actions
Become aware that sounds are not the same as in English; for example, Marribank orthography does not use the English symbols u, s, x, z, ch, sh, th, wh
Recognise and learn the different sounds of the Noongar language and link these to written symbols on Noongar sound charts
Recognise that some sounds in English are not in Noongar, including Marribank vowels, consonants and digraphs, and practise:
- long and short vowels
- consonants/digraphs: soft and hard sounds b, bw, d, dj, dw, k, kw, l, -ly, m, n, ng, ny, -p, r, -rd, -rl, -rn, rt, -t, -t, tj, w, y
- producing sounds blowing a paper or feather
- sound rhymes with actions
Become aware that sounds are not the same as in English; for example, Marribank orthography does not use the English symbols u, s, x, z, ch, sh, th, wh