Recognise the function of different word types, with extensive support, and understand basic elements of language structures, including:
- noticing and using nouns for self, family, animals, day/night; for example, ngany, moort, barna, kedala/kedalak
- responding to non-verbal and verbal commands or instructions, with gestures, such as line up, make a circle, get into pairs, pack up; for example, moorlany-moorlany, dordong warn, warn koodjal, bibool wordiny
- noticing word order for present tense, such as (noun, nominative pronoun, location‑affix, verb); for example, Wetj baal boya-k yaakiny
- noticing and using common singular pronouns for people, animals and things, such as I, he/she/it, you; for example, ngany, baal, noonook
- noticing common plural pronouns, such as we, they; for example, baalap, ngalak
- noticing common adjectives for size, such as koomba, nyit (big, little)
- noticing possessive pronouns noonan (your) and nganyang (my)
- noticing use of interrogative pronouns, question words, what, where; for example, Naatj nidja?
- noticing simple modelled questions and statements
- noticing words for colour, such as, red, blue, yellow (mirda, wooyan, yoont) and numbers one to five (keny, koodjal, dambart, koodjal-koodjal, maar)
- developing an understanding of common verbs in the present tense, such as moving, playing, standing, sitting; (koorliny, waabiny, yaakiny, nyininy)
- noticing use of common location and place affixes/suffixes and meanings, such as in, on, near, at; for example, boorn-ngat; bilya-k-ngat
Recognise the function of different word types, with extensive support, and understand basic elements of language structures, including:
- noticing and using nouns for self, family, animals, day/night; for example, ngany, moort, barna, kedala/kedalak
- responding to non-verbal and verbal commands or instructions, with gestures, such as line up, make a circle, get into pairs, pack up; for example, moorlany-moorlany, dordong warn, warn koodjal, bibool wordiny
- noticing word order for present tense, such as (noun, nominative pronoun, location‑affix, verb); for example, Wetj baal boya-k yaakiny
- noticing and using common singular pronouns for people, animals and things, such as I, he/she/it, you; for example, ngany, baal, noonook
- noticing common plural pronouns, such as we, they; for example, baalap, ngalak
- noticing common adjectives for size, such as koomba, nyit (big, little)
- noticing possessive pronouns noonan (your) and nganyang (my)
- noticing use of interrogative pronouns, question words, what, where; for example, Naatj nidja?
- noticing simple modelled questions and statements
- noticing words for colour, such as, red, blue, yellow (mirda, wooyan, yoont) and numbers one to five (keny, koodjal, dambart, koodjal-koodjal, maar)
- developing an understanding of common verbs in the present tense, such as moving, playing, standing, sitting; (koorliny, waabiny, yaakiny, nyininy)
- noticing use of common location and place affixes/suffixes and meanings, such as in, on, near, at; for example, boorn-ngat; bilya-k-ngat