Consider and explain how particular policies and practices have impacted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ sense of identity; for example, the Stolen Generations, land loss caused by government policy contributing to language loss and separation from Country/Place, family and community
Share and discuss the role that language and culture play in the identity and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; for example, group identity expressed through flags, Welcomes and Acknowledgements to Country, Indigenous rounds in sporting leagues, wearing Indigenous designs and colours, dual language signage in public places
Consider and explain how particular policies and practices have impacted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ sense of identity; for example, the Stolen Generations, land loss caused by government policy contributing to language loss and separation from Country/Place, family and community
Share and discuss the role that language and culture play in the identity and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; for example, group identity expressed through flags, Welcomes and Acknowledgements to Country, Indigenous rounds in sporting leagues, wearing Indigenous designs and colours, dual language signage in public places