Investigate and apply the sound patterns in Noongar, including:
- recognising the consonant and vowel sequences applied to syllable patterns, such as cv/cvc (consonant-vowel/consonant-vowel-consonant) as in kwo rdi lyang
- understanding and using final sounds where the spelling changes; for example,
- b- and -p as in boorn, keba, ap
- d-, -rd-, -rt and -t as in darp, maada, kaarda, moort, kaat
- dj- and -tj as in djena; windji; moorditj
- recognising consonant clusters, -ngk as in yongka, koolangka, and -ngw as in malyangwin
- recognising that digraphs, such as kw, ng, oo and ly, are one sound
- noticing that in Noongar, stress is placed on the first syllable
Apply these patterns and rules in writing with correct punctuation, such as capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and quotation marks
Investigate and apply the sound patterns in Noongar, including:
- recognising the consonant and vowel sequences applied to syllable patterns, such as cv/cvc (consonant-vowel/consonant-vowel-consonant) as in kwo rdi lyang
- understanding and using final sounds where the spelling changes; for example,
- b- and -p as in boorn, keba, ap
- d-, -rd-, -rt and -t as in darp, maada, kaarda, moort, kaat
- dj- and -tj as in djena; windji; moorditj
- recognising consonant clusters, -ngk as in yongka, koolangka, and -ngw as in malyangwin
- recognising that digraphs, such as kw, ng, oo and ly, are one sound
- noticing that in Noongar, stress is placed on the first syllable
Apply these patterns and rules in writing with correct punctuation, such as capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and quotation marks