Health and Physical Education – Student Diversity

Rationale and Aims Learning Area Organisation Student Diversity General Capabilities Cross-curriculum priorities

The Western Australian Curriculum values diversity by providing for multiple means of representation, action, expression and engagement, and allows schools the flexibility to respond to the diversity of learners within their community.

All schools have a responsibility when implementing the Western Australian Curriculum to ensure that students’ learning is inclusive, and relevant to their experiences, abilities and talents.

For some students with diverse languages, cultures, abilities and talents it may be necessary to provide a range of curriculum adjustments so they can access age-equivalent content in the Western Australian Curriculum and participate in learning on the same basis as their peers.

Some students may require adjustments to support how they see, hear, and/or process information or instructions in Health and Physical Education. Students may require access to a wide range of approaches including, and not limited to:

  • auditory, visual and kinaesthetic methods of instruction
  • simultaneous learning channels such as combinations of listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing
  • peer-assisted learning
  • challenging individual and group extension activities.

Adjustments to the practical delivery of movement-based lessons will be necessary to ensure that some students with physical disability can access learning, participate fully and achieve on the same basis as their peers. These adjustments could include but are not limited to:

  • adjustment to teaching styles and delivery of instructions
  • negotiated changes to rules of games
  • access to modified equipment
  • changes to the learning environment to ensure accessibility and safety.

As with other areas of student diversity, it is crucial to acknowledge diversity in relation to sexuality and gender in Health and Physical Education. Schools acknowledge and respond to the needs of all students and provide meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for all students.

All schools have a responsibility when implementing the Health and Physical Education curriculum to ensure that teaching is inclusive and relevant to the lived experiences of all students.

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