Health and Physical Education – Teaching

Teaching and Learning Principles Mandated Materials icon

The Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment focus on the provision of a school and class environment that is intellectually, socially and physically supportive of learning. The principles assist whole-school planning and individual classroom practice. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that there is a shared understanding of them within particular school communities and a collaborative effort to implement these principles in ways appropriate to individual schools.

Read more about Teaching and Learning Principles

Ways of Teaching Support Materials icon

The Ways of teaching aims to support teachers with planning for curriculum delivery across the years of school, with the teaching in each year extending learning in previous years.

The Ways of teaching complement the principles of teaching and learning in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline ( The principles focus on the provision of a school and class environment that is intellectually, socially and physically supportive of learning. The principles assist whole-school planning and individual classroom practice.

Read more about the Ways of Teaching for Health and Physical Education

Curriculum Support Materials Support Materials icon

The curriculum support materials have been developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) as part of the School Education Act Employees (Teachers and Administrators) General Agreement 2017 (Clause 61.1–61.3).

The materials provide examples of approaches to teaching, learning and assessment using the Western Australian Curriculum and Achievement Standards and are reflective of the Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

The Draft Curriculum Support Materials for English and Health and Physical Education are currently being updated to align with the revised Western Australian Curriculum adopted and adapted from the Australian Curriculum version 9. The Curriculum Support Materials that have been aligned to the revised curriculum include 'Updated' in the title on the website.

Teaching and Learning Outlines Support Materials icon

The sample teaching and learning outlines exemplify the elements of a teaching and learning program. It is essential therefore to ensure that teachers, when developing a program for their students, should consider:

  • the timing and sequencing of the year level syllabus content
  • the range of learning experiences through which students can apply the knowledge, skills and concepts from the syllabus content
  • the selection of resources to support teaching and learning experiences
  • the implementation of the principles of teaching and learning as articulated in the ‘Ways of teaching’ in the Overview of the syllabus
  • authentic assessments which reflect the year level curriculum content and provide opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement against their year level achievement standard.

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