Systems of language
Reproduce the sound of the vowels and the letters
c (ch) and trilled r and reproduce spelling of simple, high-frequency words
Notice that statements, commands and questions have different intonations
Recognise and reproduce loan words from English and begin to write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts
Notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- describing possession using word order in familiar phrases, for example, Nama saya…; Ibu saya…
- describing actions using simple verbs, for example, makan, duduk, minum, suka, tidur, bermain
- interacting using auxiliary verbs, for example, ada, mau, boleh, bisa
- using different question words and the anticipated answer, for example, Siapa?; Apa?; Berapa?; Di mana?
- using imperatives to tell others to do something, for example, Duduk, Lipat tangan, Tepuk tangan
- referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, for example, nol-sepuluh, puluh, belas
- recognising joining words or phrases using conjunctions, for example, dan, tetapi
- referring to things using demonstratives ini and itu, for example, Ini buku
- describing the characteristics of things using noun-adjective phrases, for example, buku merah, anjing besar, kucing saya kecil, bapak saya tinggi, saya pendek,Ibu saya lucu
- negating verbs and adjectives using tidak
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ that takes different forms and uses different structures and features to achieve its purpose