Pre-primary year SyllabusTest


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Pre-primary year Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Pre-primary, students have hands on opportunities to explore designs and solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students explore the design of products and begin to develop an understanding about products.

Students have opportunities to explore technologies taking particular note of the components and equipment used to make products. They begin to develop an understanding that products have a purpose for their own personal needs and that of their family. Students reflect on designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?'

Pre-primary students begin to explore the needs for design of products that impact on people's everyday lives. Using a range of techniques, students will communicate their design ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

People produce familiar products to meet personal and community needs (ACTDEK001)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Ways in which objects move: push, pull, bounce, slide, fall, spin, float   (ACTDEK002)

Food and fibre production

Plant and animal products are used in everyday life for food, clothing and shelter (ACTDEK003)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics of materials can be explored using senses (ACTDEK004)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:


Generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps (WATPPS02)

Producing and implementing

Use given components and equipment to safely make simple solutions (WATPPS03)


Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of simple solutions (WATPPS04)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or with others when required, for solutions (WATPPS05)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify people that produce familiar objects within the community and some simple stages of the production process. In Engineering principles and systems, students move objects in a range of ways and observe their reactions. In Food and fibre production, students connect plant and animal products to their use as food, clothing and/or shelter. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students explore and select materials to use for construction, considering the materials’ characteristics.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students explore needs for designing simple solutions. They generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps. Students safely use given components and equipment, to make simple solutions and evaluate their success using personal preferences.

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Pre-primary, students have hands on opportunities to explore designs and solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students explore the design of products and begin to develop an understanding about products.

Students have opportunities to explore technologies taking particular note of the components and equipment used to make products. They begin to develop an understanding that products have a purpose for their own personal needs and that of their family. Students reflect on designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?'

Pre-primary students begin to explore the needs for design of products that impact on people's everyday lives. Using a range of techniques, students will communicate their design ideas.

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