Design and Technologies


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Design and Technologies


ABLEWA A stage description

In Stage A, students are exposed to technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet every day personal needs.

Students experience the characteristics and properties of some familiar designed solutions from one of the technologies contexts:

  • Engineering principles and systems
  • Food and fibre production
  • Food specialisations
  • Materials and technologies specialisations.

Students are exposed to designed solutions that meet their needs.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Experience how people create familiar designed solutions to meet their needs (VCDSTS001)

Technologies contexts

Experience the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions in at least one technologies context (VCDSTC002)

Processes and production skills

Creating Designed Solutions

React to a designed solution that has been created and produced safely to meet their needs(VCDSCD003)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage A, students react to significant designed solutions that meet their needs.

With guidance, students experience designed solutions in at least one technologies context. They begin to communicate their needs and indicate a choice or preference through accept and reject actions.

Students react to the use of tools and equipment and experience the sequenced steps involved in producing a designed solution.


ABLEWA B stage description

In Stage B students explore technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet personal and social needs.

Students examine the characteristics and properties of some technologies from one of the technologies contexts:

  • Engineering principles and systems
  • Food and fibre production
  • Food specialisations
  • Materials and technologies specialisations.

With teacher support, students communicate simple design ideas.

Students experience how designed solutions meet their needs.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Explore the use of familiar designed solutions to meet their needs (VCDSTS004)

Technologies contexts

Explore the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions in at least one technologies context (VCDSTC005)

Processes and production skills

Creating Designed Solutions

Experience and explore how designed solutions are created and produced safely to meet personal needs(VCDSCD006)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage B, students are using some familiar designed solutions appropriately to meet their needs.

With guidance, students explore designed solutions in at least one technologies context. They experience designed solution ideas and select materials and components based on personal preferences.

Students follow a design process step by step and use tools safely when prompted.


ABLEWA C stage description

In Stage C students explore and investigate technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet needs.

Students describe the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions from one of the technologies contexts:

  • Engineering principles and systems
  • Food and fibre production
  • Food specialisations
  • Materials and technologies specialisations.

With teacher support, students communicate simple design ideas. Students are introduced to different forms of evaluating designed solutions based on personal preferences.

Students, with teacher support, follow directions to complete their own or group design ideas or projects.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Match familiar designed solutions to the personal needs they meet (VCDSTS007)

Technologies contexts

Examine and indicate the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions in at least two technologies contexts (VCDSTC008)

Processes and production skills

Creating Designed Solutions

Examine and indicate how designed solutions are created and produced safely to meet needs (VCDSCD009)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage C, students use and identify the purpose of familiar designed solutions. They match some designed solutions to a need.

Students use designed solutions in at least two technologies contexts. With guidance, students reflect on created and produced designed solutions, developing ideas based on personal preferences. They begin to follow simple sequenced steps and teacher direction to use tools and equipment safely when producing designed solutions.


ABLEWA D stage description

In Stage D students explore and investigate technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet personal and social needs within local settings.

Students explore the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions from one of the technologies contexts:

  • Engineering principles and systems
  • Food and fibre production
  • Food specialisations
  • Materials and technologies specialisations.

With teacher support, students communicate simple design ideas and begin to evaluate designed solutions based on personal preferences.

Students begin to plan their design idea with teacher support, and follow simple steps and directions to complete their own or group design ideas or projects.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Explore how people create familiar designed solutions and identify their ability to meet personal and local community needs (VCDSTS010)

Technologies contexts

Explore and communicate the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions in at least two technologies contexts (VCDSTC011)

Processes and production skills

Creating Designed Solutions

Explore and communicate how designed solutions are generated and produced to meet needs (VCDSCD012)

Achievement standard

By the end of Stage D, students describe the purpose of familiar designed solutions and what needs they meet.

Students use designed solutions in at least two technologies contexts, identifying significant features.

With guidance, students create designed solutions evaluating their ideas based on personal preferences. They select materials based on some understanding of their properties and characteristics. They follow simple sequenced steps to create a designed solution and demonstrate safe use of tools and equipment.

Pre-primary year Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Pre-primary, students have hands on opportunities to explore designs and solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students explore the design of products and begin to develop an understanding about products.

Students have opportunities to explore technologies taking particular note of the components and equipment used to make products. They begin to develop an understanding that products have a purpose for their own personal needs and that of their family. Students reflect on designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?'

Pre-primary students begin to explore the needs for design of products that impact on people's everyday lives. Using a range of techniques, students will communicate their design ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

People produce familiar products to meet personal and community needs (ACTDEK001)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Ways in which objects move: push, pull, bounce, slide, fall, spin, float   (ACTDEK002)

Food and fibre production

Plant and animal products are used in everyday life for food, clothing and shelter (ACTDEK003)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics of materials can be explored using senses (ACTDEK004)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:


Generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps (WATPPS02)

Producing and implementing

Use given components and equipment to safely make simple solutions (WATPPS03)


Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of simple solutions (WATPPS04)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or with others when required, for solutions (WATPPS05)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify people that produce familiar objects within the community and some simple stages of the production process. In Engineering principles and systems, students move objects in a range of ways and observe their reactions. In Food and fibre production, students connect plant and animal products to their use as food, clothing and/or shelter. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students explore and select materials to use for construction, considering the materials’ characteristics.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students explore needs for designing simple solutions. They generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps. Students safely use given components and equipment, to make simple solutions and evaluate their success using personal preferences.

Year 1 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Year 1, students have opportunities to create solutions in one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students investigate the process of designing and producing products and services.

Students have opportunities to explore and question the use of technologies including components and equipment, their purpose and how they meet personal and social needs within known settings. They develop an understanding of how communities and local circumstances influence design and technologies decisions. Students appraise designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?'

Students begin to consider the impact of design decisions and the use of technologies on others in their local community. They have opportunities to reflect on their participation in a design process. With support, students develop new strategies, and engage in different ways of evaluating and judging products and services based on personal preferences. Students are encouraged to make informed choices and to accept challenges, take risks and manage change when unexpected outcomes occur.

Using a range of techniques, including a variety of graphical representations to communicate, students draw, model and explain design ideas; label drawings; draw products and simple environments; and verbalise design ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

People produce familiar products and services to meet personal and community needs (ACTDEK001)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Ways objects can be moved using technology (ACTDEK002)

Food and fibre production

Plants and animals used for production have basic needs, such as food/nutrients, water, space, protection (ACTDEK003)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics and behaviours of individual materials used in products (ACTDEK004)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Explore opportunities for design (WATPPS06)


Develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps (WATPPS07)

Producing and implementing

Use given components and equipment to safely make solutions (WATPPS08)


Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design processes (WATPPS09)

Collaborating and managing

Works independently, or with others when required, to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions (WATPPS10)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify people that produce familiar products and services and recall some simple stages of the production process. In Engineering principles and systems, students use technology to move objects and observe the reactions. In Food and fibre production, students identify plants and animals used for production and their basic needs. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students observe, explore and select materials to use for construction based on materials’ characteristics and behaviours.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students explore opportunities when designing products or solutions. They develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of written or spoken steps. Students use given components and equipment and work safely to make solutions. They develop personal preferences to evaluate the success of design processes. Students work independently, or with others, to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions.

Year 2 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the dispositions developed in the early years. Learning focuses on practical and applied knowledge and understanding of process and production skills.

In Year 2, students have opportunities to create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students experience designing and producing products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to investigate technologies: materials, systems, components, tools and equipment, including their purpose and how they meet personal and social needs within local settings. They develop an understanding of how society and environmental sustainability factors influence design and technologies decisions. Students evaluate and judge designed solutions using questions such as 'How does it work?', 'What purpose does it meet?', 'Who will use it?', 'What do I like about it?' or 'How can it be improved?' They are encouraged to make judgments about the design solutions in order to solve problems in their own design ideas.

Students begin to consider the impact of their decisions, and of technologies, on others and the environment, including in relation to preferred futures. They have opportunities to reflect on their participation in a design process. With support, students develop new strategies and engage in different ways of evaluating and judging products, services and environments based on personal preferences.

Using a range of techniques, including a variety of graphical representations to communicate, students draw, model and explain design ideas; label drawings; draw products and simple environments; and verbalise design ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

People design and produce familiar products, services and environments to meet local and community needs (ACTDEK001)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Forces create movement in objects (ACTDEK002)

Food and fibre production

Food and fibre choices for healthy living (ACTDEK003)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics and properties of materials and individual components that are used to produce design solutions (ACTDEK004)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Explore design to meet needs or opportunities (WATPPS11)


Develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of steps (WATPPS12)

Producing and implementing

Use components and given equipment to safely make solutions (WATPPS13)


Use simple criteria to evaluate the success of design processes and solutions (WATPPS14)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to organise information and ideas to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions (WATPPS15)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify and exemplify roles of people that design and produce products, services and environments within the community. In Engineering principles and systems, students use a range of forces to move objects and observe the reactions. In Food and fibre production, students make simple connections between healthy living, food and fibre choices. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students develop ideas and make design decisions, considering both the characteristics and properties of materials.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students explore design to meet needs or opportunities. They develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or sequenced steps. Students use components and given equipment to safely make solutions. They use simple criteria to evaluate the success of design processes and solutions. Students work independently, or collaboratively, to organise information and ideas to safely create and share sequenced steps for solutions.

Year 3 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the range of concepts, skills and processes developed in previous years.

In Year 3, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society as they create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to produce products and develop an understanding that designs for services and environments meet community needs.

Students have opportunities to develop self-ownership of their ideas. They explore creative, innovative and imaginative ideas and approaches to achieve solutions. Students begin thinking about their peers, their communities and themselves as consumers, and explore the need for services and environments within both the local and broader community.

Students plan with an awareness of the characteristics and properties of materials, and the use of tools and equipment. They have opportunities to reflect on their actions, and develop decision-making skills. Students explore aspects of the social implications of existing products and processes to develop an understanding of their place in the world.

Students communicate using a range of techniques for documenting design and production ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Ways products, services and environments are designed to meet community needs (ACTDEK010)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Forces, and the properties of materials, affect the behaviour of objects (ACTDEK011)

Food and fibre production

Types of food and fibre produced in different environments, cultures or time periods, including the equipment used to produce or prepare them (ACTDEK012)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Suitability and safe practice when using materials, tools and equipment for a range of purposes (ACTDEK013)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Create a sequence of steps to solve a given task (WATPPS16)


Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS17)

Producing and implementing

Select, and safely use, appropriate components with given equipment to make a solution (WATPPS18)


Use criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions developed (WATPPS19)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, safely create and communicate sequenced steps (WATPPS20)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify roles people in design and technology have in the community and explore design development processes of products, services and environments. In Engineering principles and systems, students observe and recognise ways applied forces and properties of materials affect the behaviour of objects. In Food and fibre production, students identify equipment and simple processes used in food and fibre production from a range of environments, cultures or time periods. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students select and safely use suitable materials, tools and equipment to create design solutions.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students create a sequence of steps to solve a given task. They develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms. Students select and safely use appropriate components with given equipment to make a solution. They use criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions developed. Students work independently, or collaboratively to plan, safely create and communicate sequenced steps.

Year 4 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the range of concepts, skills and processes developed in previous years.

In Year 4, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society as they create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production (includes Food specialisations in this year); and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and sustainable environments.

Students' sense of ownership of their ideas is further developed and expanded, with a greater focus on community needs when making decisions about designs. They have opportunities to develop a broader understanding of the concept of themselves as consumers. Students begin to explore and learn to harness their creative, innovative and imaginative ideas.

Students become aware of the design characteristics and properties of materials, and the use of components and equipment when planning solutions. They have opportunities to reflect on actions to refine design solutions through the use of decision-making skills. Students engage in learning to explore the social and environmental sustainability implications of existing products and processes to raise awareness of their place in the world. Students explore the role of those working in design and technologies occupations, and how they think about the way a product might change in the future.

Students broaden the techniques they use to clarify and present ideas, such as drawing annotated diagrams for documenting design and production ideas.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Ways products, services and environments are designed to meet community needs, including consideration of sustainability (ACTDEK010)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Forces, and the properties of materials, affect the behaviour of a product or system (ACTDEK011)

Food and fibre production

Types of technologies used in food and fibre production or processing, including how they are used to help meet consumer needs (ACTDEK012)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Suitability and safe practice when using materials, systems and components for a range of purposes (ACTDEK013)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a sequence of steps to design a solution for a given task (WATPPS21)

Identify and choose the appropriate resources from a given set (WATPPS22)


Develop and communicate design ideas and decisions using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS23)

Producing and implementing

Select, and safely use, appropriate components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS24)


Use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions (WATPPS25)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, safely create and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS26)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify roles people in design and technologies occupations have in the community and ways that products, services and environments are designed and produced to meet community needs, considering sustainability. In Engineering principles and systems, students recognise ways forces and properties of materials, affect the behaviour of a product or system. In Food and fibre production, students identify consumer needs and how technology is used in food and natural fibre production or processing. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students implement safe practices and select suitable materials, systems and components for a range of purposes.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students use sequenced steps to design a solution for a given task. They identify and choose the appropriate resources from a given set. Students develop and communicate design ideas and decisions, using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms. They select and safely use appropriate components and equipment to make solutions. Students use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions for a given task. They work independently, or collaboratively, to plan, safely create and communicate ideas and information for solutions.

Year 5 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the range of concepts, skills and processes developed in previous years.

In Year 5, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society through different technology contexts as they create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to produce products and develop an understanding that designs for services and environments meet community needs.

Students have opportunities to explore technologies that incorporate materials, components, and equipment used in the home and wider community. They continue to consider society, cultural needs and environmental factors, paying attention to sustainable practices. Students question why and for whom technologies are developed.

Students begin to engage with ideas beyond the familiar, exploring how the people working in a range of technologies contexts contribute to society. They are provided with opportunities to explore innovative design solutions that build on their own design capabilities.

Using a range of techniques, students explore how to represent objects and ideas in a variety of forms, such as thumbnail sketches, models, drawings, diagrams and storyboards to communicate the development of designed solutions.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

How people address competing considerations when designing products, services and environments (ACTDEK019)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Forces can control movement, sound or light in a product or system (ACTDEK020)

Food and fibre production

People in design and technologies occupations aim to increase efficiency of production systems, or consumer satisfaction of food and natural fibre products (ACTDEK021)

Food specialisations

Food safety and hygiene practices (ACTDEK022)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics and properties of a range of materials and components, and the suitability and safe practice of their use (ACTDEK023)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a problem, and set of sequenced steps, with users making a decision to create a solution for a given task (WATPPS27)


Develop and communicate alternative solutions, and follow design ideas, using annotated diagrams, storyboards and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS29)

Producing and implementing

Select, and apply, safe procedures when using components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS30)


Develop negotiated criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions (WATPPS31)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, safely develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS32)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify ways people address and overcome competing considerations when designing products, services and environments. In Engineering principles and systems, students distinguish various ways forces control movement, sound or light in a product or system. In Food and fibre production, students identify ways people in design and technology occupations aim to increase the efficiency of production systems or consumer satisfaction of food and natural fibre products. In Food specialisations, students identify and implement a variety of food and hygiene practices. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students outline and apply suitable and safe practices and are able to classify the characteristics and properties of a range of materials and components.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students define a problem, identify available resources and create sequenced steps to assist in decision making for a given task. They develop and communicate alternative solutions, and use annotated diagrams, storyboards and appropriate technical terms when following design ideas. Students select and apply safe procedures when using components and equipment. They develop negotiated criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions.  Students work independently, or collaboratively, to plan, safely develop and communicate ideas and information.

Year 6 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the range of concepts, skills and processes developed in previous years.

In Year 6, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society through different technology contexts as they create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to produce products and develop an understanding that designs for services and environments meet community needs.

Students have the opportunity to begin to critically examine technologies, including materials, systems, components, tools and equipment that are used regularly in the home and wider community. They explore and begin to consider ethical points of view, social impact and environmentally sustainable factors when developing design solutions. Students examine why and for whom technologies are developed.

Students have opportunities to engage with ideas beyond the familiar, exploring how people working in a range of technologies contexts contribute to society. They continue to build on design capabilities through broadening their own design ideas used in solutions. Students have opportunities to explore trends and data to predict what the future will be like, and suggest design decisions that contribute positively to preferred futures.

Using technologies to suit the purpose, students explore how to represent objects and ideas in a variety of forms to communicate the development of designed solutions. They use a range of preferred techniques to illustrate how products function.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

How people address competing considerations, including sustainability when designing products, services and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Electrical energy and forces can control movement, sound or light in a product or system (ACTDEK020)

Food and fibre production

Past performance, and current and future needs are considered when designing sustainable food and fibre systems for products (ACTDEK021)

Food specialisations

Principles of food preparation for healthy eating (ACTDEK022)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics, properties and safe practice of a range of materials, systems, tools and equipment; and evaluate the suitability of their use (ACTDEK023)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a problem, and a set of sequenced steps, with users making decisions to create a solution for a given task (WATPPS33)


Design, modify, follow and represent both diagrammatically, and in written text, alternative solutions using a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS35)

Producing and implementing

Select, and apply, safe procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS36)


Develop collaborative criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions (WATPPS37)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, considering resources and safety, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS38)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify how people address and overcome competing considerations, including sustainability, when designing products, services and environments for current and future use. In Engineering principles and systems, students connect ways electrical energy and forces can control movement, sound or light in a product or system. In Food and fibre production, students investigate and determine what past, current and future needs are to be considered when designing sustainable food and natural fibre systems for products. In Food specialisations, students identify and consider principles of food preparation and benefits of healthy eating. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students consider suitability of use when defining characteristics, properties and safe handling practices of a range of materials, systems, tools and equipment.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students identify available resources to design a solution for a given task, outlining problem-solving decisions, using sequenced steps. Students develop alternative solutions by designing, modifying and following both diagrammatically and in written text, using a range of appropriate technical terms, technologies and techniques. They select and apply safe procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions. Students develop criteria collaboratively to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions. They work independently, or collaboratively, considering resources and safety to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions.

Year 7 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit, strengthen and extend these as needed.

In Year 7, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to select from a range of technologies, materials, components, tools and equipment. They consider the ways characteristics and properties of technologies can be combined to design and produce sustainable solutions. They develop strategies which enable them to consider society and ethics; social, ethical and sustainability factors. Students' use of creativity, innovation and enterprise skills is encouraged to increase independence and collaboration.

Students are given opportunities to respond to feedback from others and evaluate their design processes and solutions. They investigate design and technology solutions and the implications for each on society, locally, regionally and globally. Students develop their techniques for evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of design ideas.

Students have opportunities to engage with a range of technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques to communicate ideas. Students generate and clarify ideas through sketching, modelling and perspective drawings.

Students identify the increasingly complex sequences and steps involved in design tasks. They develop plans to manage design tasks, including safe and responsible use of materials and tools to successfully complete design tasks.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Competing factors, including social, ethical and sustainability considerations, in the development of technologies (ACTDEK029)

Ways in which products, services and environments evolve locally, regionally and globally (ACTDEK030)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

The use of motion, force and energy to manipulate and control electromechanical and mechanical systems (ACTDEK031)

Food and fibre production

Production systems for food and fibre or their products, including key features of their design (ACTDEK032)

Food specialisations

Nutritional value and physical properties of food determine preparation techniques and presentation (ACTDEK033)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Material and technology decisions and processes influence the selection and combination of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment (ACTDEK034)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define and break down a given task, identifying the purpose (WATPPS39)

Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints (WATPPS40)


Design, develop, review and communicate design ideas, plans and processes within a given context, using a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS41)

Producing and implementing

Safely make solutions using a range of components, equipment and techniques (WATPPS43)


Independently apply given contextual criteria to evaluate design processes and solutions (WATPPS44)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information, using management processes (WATPPS45)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students outline ways in which products, services and environments evolve locally, regionally and globally and recognise competing factors, including social, ethical and sustainability in the development of technologies. In Engineering principles and systems, students identify the use of motion, force and energy to manipulate and to control electromechanical and mechanical systems. In Food and fibre production, students identify components of food and fibre production systems including key features of their design. In Food specialisations, students identify nutritional values and physical properties of food to determine preparation techniques and presentation. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students identify how the selection of material and technology process is influenced by the combination of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students develop solutions and identify the purpose for a given task by considering constraints and components/resources. Students use a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technologies to design, develop, review and communicate design ideas, plans and processes. They follow sequenced steps to a problem-solving plan. Students apply safe procedures to make solutions, using a range of components, equipment and techniques. They apply given contextual criteria to independently evaluate design processes and solutions. Students work independently, and collaboratively, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information, when using management processes.

Year 8 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit, strengthen and extend them as needed.

In Year 8, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to investigate and select from a range of technologies, materials, systems, components, tools and equipment. They consider the ways characteristics and properties of technologies can be combined to produce sustainable solutions. Considering society and ethics; and economic, environmental and social sustainability factors is of increasing importance in this year. Students use creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with increasing independence and collaboration.

Students have the opportunity to respond to feedback from others and evaluate their design processes and solutions. They investigate design and technology professions and the contributions that each makes to society through creativity, innovation and enterprise. Students are expected to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of design ideas and technologies.

Students have the opportunity to engage with a range of technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques, to generate and clarify ideas through annotated sketches, modelling and scaled drawings.

Students identify the sequences and steps involved in design tasks. They have opportunities to develop plans to manage design tasks, including safe and responsible use of materials and tools, and apply management plans to successfully complete design tasks. Students establish safety procedures that minimise risk and manage a project with consideration to safety and efficiency, when making solutions.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Social, ethical and sustainability considerations, in the development of technologies and designed solutions, to meet community needs for economic, environmental and social sustainability (ACTDEK029)

Development of products, services and environments through the creativity, innovation and enterprise of individuals and groups (ACTDEK030)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

The design of simple solutions using motion, force and energy, to manipulate and control electromechanical and mechanical systems (ACTDEK031)

Food and fibre production

Sustainable production systems are subject to competing demands (social, environmental, economic) and how these factors influence their design (ACTDEK032)

Food specialisations

Sensory properties of food to create healthy eating solutions (ACTDEK033)

Materials and technologies specialisations

The process for the selection and combination of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment  (ACTDEK034)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Investigate a given need or opportunity for a specific purpose (WATPPS46)

Evaluate and apply a given brief (WATPPS47)

Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints (WATPPS48)


Design, develop, evaluate and communicate alternative solutions, using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS49)

Produce a simple plan designed to solve a problem, using a sequence of steps (WATPPS50)

Producing and implementing

Safely apply appropriate techniques to make solutions using a range of components and equipment (WATPPS51)


Develop contextual criteria independently to assess design processes and solutions (WATPPS52)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information when managing projects (WATPPS53)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students outline the creativity, innovation and enterprise of individuals and groups that develop products, services and environments. They consider social, ethical and sustainability factors in the design and development of technologies. In Engineering principles and systems, students identify and use the design of simple solutions using motion, force and energy, to manipulate and control electromechanical and mechanical systems. In Food and fibre production, students provide information on how competing social, environmental and economic demands influence the design of sustainable food and fibre production systems. In Food specialisations, students explore and identify sensory properties of foods used in creating healthy eating solutions. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students identify decision making demands of selecting and combining materials, systems, components, tools and equipment.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students investigate a given need or opportunity for a specific purpose. They evaluate and apply a given design brief, using some examples. Students consider and select components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints. They use appropriate technical terms and technology to design, develop, evaluate and communicate alternative design solutions. Students develop sequenced steps to produce a simple, problem-solving plan. They apply safe and appropriate techniques to make solutions, using a range of components and equipment. Students independently develop contextual criteria to assess design processes and solutions. They work independently, and collaboratively, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information when managing projects.

Year 9 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that in Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit, strengthen and extend them as needed.

In Year 9, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to use design and technologies knowledge and understanding, processes and production skills, and design thinking to produce solutions to identified needs or opportunities. They work independently and collaboratively. Students specifically focus on solutions, taking into account social values; economic, environmental and social sustainability factors. They have the opportunity to use creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with increasing confidence, independence and collaboration.

Using a range of increasingly sophisticated technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques, students have opportunities to generate and represent original ideas and production plans in
two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations.

Students identify and establish safety procedures that minimise risk and manage projects. They learn to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical activities.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Social, ethical and sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions (ACTDEK040)

Development of products, services and environments, with consideration of economic, environmental and social sustainability (ACTDEK041)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

The characteristics and properties of materials, combined with force, motion and energy, to create solutions (ACTDEK043)

Food and fibre production

Food and fibre production and/or marketing, and the generation of sustainable solutions (ACTDEK044)

Food specialisations

Principles of food including safety, nutrition, preservation, preparation, presentation, physical and sensory properties and perceptions (ACTDEK045)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK046)

Technologies can be combined and used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK047)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Identify and define the needs of a stakeholder, to create a brief, for a solution (WATPPS54)

Investigate a selection of components/resources to develop solution ideas, identifying and considering constraints (WATPPS55)


Apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills (WATPPS56)

Design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS57)

Producing and implementing

Select, and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions (WATPPS58)


Evaluate design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria (WATPPS59)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk and safety (WATPPS60)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify social, ethical and sustainability factors and consider economic, environmental and social sustainability in the development of designed solutions for products, services and environments. In Engineering principles and systems, students create solutions through identifying characteristics and properties of materials and the influencing factors of force, motion and energy. In Food and fibre production, students consider the effect of food and fibre production and/or marketing influences, and considers the generation of sustainable solutions. In Food specialisations, students describe the principles of food safety, nutrition, preparation, presentation, preservation, physical and sensory properties and perceptions. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students identify characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and outline how technologies can be combined and used to create designed solutions.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students identify and define the needs of a stakeholder to create a design brief for a solution. They investigate a selection of components/resources to develop ideas, identifying and considering constraints. Students apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills. They provide design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology. Students select, test and safely implement appropriate technologies and processes to make solutions. They evaluate design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria. Students work independently and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. They consider time, cost, risk and safety.

Year 10 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that in Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit, strengthen and extend them as needed.

In Year 10, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to use design and technologies knowledge and understanding, processes and production skills, and design thinking, to produce solutions to identified needs or opportunities. Students work independently and collaboratively. They have opportunities to understand the complex interdependencies involved in the development of technologies and enterprises. The focus is on students designing solutions, taking into account ethics; legal issues; social values; economic, environmental and social sustainability factors; and using more sophisticated strategies. They use creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with confidence, independence and collaboration.

Using a range of technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques, students have opportunities to generate and represent original ideas and production plans in two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations using a range of technical drawings, including perspective, scale, orthogonal and production drawings with sectional and exploded views, appropriate to their designs.

Students identify the steps involved in planning the production of designed solutions. They develop detailed project management plans incorporating elements, such as sequenced time, cost and action plans to manage a range of design tasks safely. Students apply management plans, changing direction when necessary, to successfully complete design tasks. They continue to identify and establish safety procedures that minimise risk and manage projects maintaining safety standards and management procedures to ensure success. Learning experiences require students to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical activities across a range of projects.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Social, ethical and sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions, complexity of design, and production processes involved (ACTDEK040)

Impact of emerging technologies on design decisions, and/or economic, environmental and social sustainability (ACTDEK041)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

The process of materials being combined with force, motion and energy to create solutions (ACTDEK043)

Food and fibre production

The role of emerging research and technology in the design of ethical and sustainable products (ACTDEK044)

Food specialisations

Healthy eating through the skills and knowledge of nutrients and the application of the principles of food safety, preservation, preparation, presentation and sensory perceptions (ACTDEK045)

Materials and technologies specialisations

The combination of a range of characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment to create designed solutions (ACTDEK046)

Designed solutions within a range of technologies specialisations, using combined technologies (ACTDEK047)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Identify the needs of the client/stakeholder  to determine the basis for a solution (WATPPS61)

Investigate components/resources to develop increasingly sophisticated solutions, identifying and considering associated constraints (WATPPS63)


Apply design thinking, creativity, enterprise skills and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication (WATPPS64)

Design possible solutions, analysing designs against criteria, including functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics, using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS65)

Producing and implementing

Select, justify, and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions (WATPPS66)


Analyse design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria (WATPPS67)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk, safety, production processes, sustainability and legal responsibilities (WATPPS68)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students consider social, ethical and sustainability factors that impact on designed solutions, complexity of design, and production processes. They outline how design decisions, and/or economic, environmental and social sustainability is influenced by emerging technologies. In Engineering principles and systems, students identify the process of combining of materials with force, motion and energy to create solutions. In Food and fibre production, students outline the role emerging research and technology has on the design of ethical and sustainable food and fibre products. In Food specialisations, students identify ways to prepare and present foods for healthy eating using processing skills and techniques, applying knowledge of nutrients, principles of food safety, preparation, presentation, preservation, physical and sensory properties and perceptions. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students combine a range of characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools, technologies and equipment to create designed solutions.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students identify the needs of the client/stakeholder to determine the basis for a solution. They create and critique design briefs. Students investigate components/resources to develop increasingly sophisticated solutions, identifying and considering associated constraints. They apply design thinking, creativity, enterprise skills and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication. Students design possible solutions, analysing designs against criteria, including functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics, using appropriate technical terms and technology. They select, justify and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes to make solutions. Students provide relevant analysis of design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria. They work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Students consider time, cost, risk, safety, production processes, sustainability and legal responsibilities.

justifydecomposeaccessibilitymodelentitydrawing standardsmobile networksproduction drawingelectromechanicalservice/sinformation systemdigital toolscontextual criteriaprototypedigital footprinttoolsnetiquettedigital solutionsdefineprotocolssystems thinkingwireless networks/wirelessmechanicalrendered drawingfutures thinkingquantitative data/quantitativecompressionpropertiesalgorithm/shypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)orthogonal drawingsexploded viewstudent developed criteriaproject managementDigital Technologiesbriefrisk managementstructured Englishpersonal protective equipment (PPE)transmission control protocol / internet protocol (TCP/IP)identifysustainabilitysustainability factorsperipheral devicesengineeringjoining processesdigital citizenshipcodes of conductuser interfacefood guidesclientdigital informationdesign thinkingiterationsocial networkfunctionalitytechniquescomputational thinkinghardwarewired networks/wiredcontextaestheticscriteriaassesscomponentsconstraintslife cycle thinkinganalysedesign briefresourcesergonomicsprojectsocial sustainabilityintellectual propertyeconomic sustainabilitystructured datanetwork/smultimedianutrientsdesk checkingprogramming environment/stechnologies contextsperspective drawingtechnical protocolshealthy eatingdatabasecarbon footprintequipmentalgorithmic logicproduction processesbitmapnutrition panelaugmented reality (AR)designingenvironmental sustainability/environmentalinformationusabilitybranchingtechnologiesdesign processessoftwareproducingstakeholdersexplore/dcharacteristicsmaterialsbiomimicrysensory propertieshypertext markup language (HTML)technologies processesconstructed environmentdesigned solutionsqualitative data/qualitativeautomatedigital system/screativitybinarystoryboardshealthsocial protocolsvisual programminggraphic organisersinvestigatehardwoodfibreworking modelproduct/sabstractiondataevaluatesoftwoodvisualisation software toolsmanaged environmentfeaturesethicsemerging technologiessystem/sonline environmentcodecmodifyinnovationservice designenvironment/s
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