Year 8 SyllabusTest
Year 8 Syllabus
The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study at least two of the five Arts subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8. It is a requirement that students study a performance subject and a visual subject.
Year Level Description
In Year 8, students are given further opportunities to develop music skills and knowledge when performing, composing and listening to music. They continue to develop aural skills and aural memory to identify, sing/play and notate simple rhythmic and melodic patterns and chord progressions.
They are provided with opportunities to create and refine music ideas by using the elements of music within given frameworks, imitating musical structures and styles. They use notation, terminology and technology to record and communicate music ideas.
Students listen to, and discuss music, using scores and music terminology to identify the use and purpose of music elements and key contextual and stylistic features.
Students rehearse and perform solo and ensemble music, developing technical skills and expression. As performers and audience members, they make observations and express opinions about a range of music.
Music learning is aurally based and is integrated across all aspects of the written component of the subject through a selected context/s. The performance component reinforces and extends music learning, and can be delivered in a different context to the written component. The elements of music are to be integrated across all areas of music learning appropriate to context.
Music literacy (aural/theory)
Development of aural skills, aural memory and inner hearing to identify, sing/playback and notate simple pitch and rhythmic patterns, melodic contour and chords in isolation and in simple progressions (ACAMUM092)
Aural recognition of one or more elements of music in short excerpts (not all content may be relevant to the selected context):
- beat groupings/subdivision in simple time:
and compound time:
- rests:
- anacrusis, ties, syncopation
- tempo: gradually getting slower/rallentando and ritardando and gradually getting faster/accelerando
- scales: add minor pentatonic and natural minor scales up to 2 sharps and 2 flats in treble and bass clefs
- intervals: m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, P5, P8ve, ascending only
- chords: major and minor triads, major primary triads (I, IV, V) in isolation and simple progressions
- tonality: relevant to scales listed
- sequence
Dynamics and expression
- crescendo, decrescendo
- accents/sforzando
Form and structure
- add intro/outro, bridge, hook, head, 12 bar Blues, theme and variation
- discern between acoustic and electronic sounds
- descant/counter melody
Composing and arranging
Use of invented and conventional notation, appropriate music terminology and available technologies to plan, record and communicate music ideas (ACAMUM095)
Practical and performance skills
Use of reflective strategies and regular practice to consolidate performance skills and techniques (ACAMUM094)
Analysis and context
Identification of, and discussion about, the use and treatment of specific elements of music in a range of works, using defined frameworks, identified criteria and appropriate music terminology (ACAMUR097)
Identification, description and comparison of music and music practices across a range of cultural, social and historical contexts (ACAMUR098)
Response interpretation and evaluation
Use of specific criteria and given frameworks to evaluate performances, outlining strengths and providing ways to improve their own and others' performances when giving and receiving feedback (ACAMUR098)
Exploration and identification of different purposes, roles and responsibilities in music making activities as both performer and audience member (ACAMUR098)
Achievement standard
At Standard, students identify, sing, play, notate and apply melodic and rhythmic patterns, and simple harmonic progressions, with some inconsistencies. They improvise and create musical ideas within given structures that show some development. Students use generally accurate notation and incorporate some suitable dynamics and articulation. They sing or play performance activities and practised repertoire with developing technique and some expression. With some guidance, they endeavour to adjust tone and volume to blend and balance when rehearsing and performing within an ensemble.
Students identify, analyse and describe the use of elements of music in mainly generalised responses, using some appropriate music terminology. They identify and describe some musical characteristics associated with different cultures, contexts and styles, identifying some key composers, performers and/or artists.
The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study at least two of the five Arts subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8. It is a requirement that students study a performance subject and a visual subject.
Year Level Description
In Year 8, students are given further opportunities to develop music skills and knowledge when performing, composing and listening to music. They continue to develop aural skills and aural memory to identify, sing/play and notate simple rhythmic and melodic patterns and chord progressions.
They are provided with opportunities to create and refine music ideas by using the elements of music within given frameworks, imitating musical structures and styles. They use notation, terminology and technology to record and communicate music ideas.
Students listen to, and discuss music, using scores and music terminology to identify the use and purpose of music elements and key contextual and stylistic features.
Students rehearse and perform solo and ensemble music, developing technical skills and expression. As performers and audience members, they make observations and express opinions about a range of music.
Music learning is aurally based and is integrated across all aspects of the written component of the subject through a selected context/s. The performance component reinforces and extends music learning, and can be delivered in a different context to the written component. The elements of music are to be integrated across all areas of music learning appropriate to context.