Curriculum updated: .
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Year Levels
General Capabilities
Cross-curriculum Priorities
Socialise and interact with peers and the teacher to exchange information on topics relating to self, family, friends and interests, and to express opinions, likes and dislikes
[Key concepts: family, friendship, home; Key processes: interacting, socialising, describing]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Participate in guided and shared activities, such as role-plays, performances and presentations, that involve planning, deciding, making arrangements and completing transactions
[Key concepts: task, performance, presentation; Key processes: planning, deciding, making arrangements]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Interact with peers in class routines and exchanges by asking and responding to questions, following instructions and requesting support, for example, by asking for repetition, rephrasing and explanation
[Key concepts: routines, roles; Key processes: questioning, contributing, responding]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.