Year 10 SyllabusTest


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Year 10 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that in Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit, strengthen and extend them as needed.

In Year 10, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to use design and technologies knowledge and understanding, processes and production skills, and design thinking, to produce solutions to identified needs or opportunities. Students work independently and collaboratively. They have opportunities to understand the complex interdependencies involved in the development of technologies and enterprises. The focus is on students designing solutions, taking into account ethics; legal issues; social values; economic, environmental and social sustainability factors; and using more sophisticated strategies. They use creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with confidence, independence and collaboration.

Using a range of technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques, students have opportunities to generate and represent original ideas and production plans in two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations using a range of technical drawings, including perspective, scale, orthogonal and production drawings with sectional and exploded views, appropriate to their designs.

Students identify the steps involved in planning the production of designed solutions. They develop detailed project management plans incorporating elements, such as sequenced time, cost and action plans to manage a range of design tasks safely. Students apply management plans, changing direction when necessary, to successfully complete design tasks. They continue to identify and establish safety procedures that minimise risk and manage projects maintaining safety standards and management procedures to ensure success. Learning experiences require students to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical activities across a range of projects.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

Social, ethical and sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions, complexity of design, and production processes involved (ACTDEK040)

Impact of emerging technologies on design decisions, and/or economic, environmental and social sustainability (ACTDEK041)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

The process of materials being combined with force, motion and energy to create solutions (ACTDEK043)

Food and fibre production

The role of emerging research and technology in the design of ethical and sustainable products (ACTDEK044)

Food specialisations

Healthy eating through the skills and knowledge of nutrients and the application of the principles of food safety, preservation, preparation, presentation and sensory perceptions (ACTDEK045)

Materials and technologies specialisations

The combination of a range of characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment to create designed solutions (ACTDEK046)

Designed solutions within a range of technologies specialisations, using combined technologies (ACTDEK047)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Identify the needs of the client/stakeholder  to determine the basis for a solution (WATPPS61)

Investigate components/resources to develop increasingly sophisticated solutions, identifying and considering associated constraints (WATPPS63)


Apply design thinking, creativity, enterprise skills and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication (WATPPS64)

Design possible solutions, analysing designs against criteria, including functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics, using appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS65)

Producing and implementing

Select, justify, and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions (WATPPS66)


Analyse design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria (WATPPS67)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk, safety, production processes, sustainability and legal responsibilities (WATPPS68)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students consider social, ethical and sustainability factors that impact on designed solutions, complexity of design, and production processes. They outline how design decisions, and/or economic, environmental and social sustainability is influenced by emerging technologies. In Engineering principles and systems, students identify the process of combining of materials with force, motion and energy to create solutions. In Food and fibre production, students outline the role emerging research and technology has on the design of ethical and sustainable food and fibre products. In Food specialisations, students identify ways to prepare and present foods for healthy eating using processing skills and techniques, applying knowledge of nutrients, principles of food safety, preparation, presentation, preservation, physical and sensory properties and perceptions. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students combine a range of characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools, technologies and equipment to create designed solutions.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students identify the needs of the client/stakeholder to determine the basis for a solution. They create and critique design briefs. Students investigate components/resources to develop increasingly sophisticated solutions, identifying and considering associated constraints. They apply design thinking, creativity, enterprise skills and innovation to develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication. Students design possible solutions, analysing designs against criteria, including functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics, using appropriate technical terms and technology. They select, justify and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes to make solutions. Students provide relevant analysis of design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria. They work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Students consider time, cost, risk, safety, production processes, sustainability and legal responsibilities.

The syllabus is based on the requirement that in Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit, strengthen and extend them as needed.

In Year 10, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.

Students have opportunities to use design and technologies knowledge and understanding, processes and production skills, and design thinking, to produce solutions to identified needs or opportunities. Students work independently and collaboratively. They have opportunities to understand the complex interdependencies involved in the development of technologies and enterprises. The focus is on students designing solutions, taking into account ethics; legal issues; social values; economic, environmental and social sustainability factors; and using more sophisticated strategies. They use creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with confidence, independence and collaboration.

Using a range of technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques, students have opportunities to generate and represent original ideas and production plans in two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations using a range of technical drawings, including perspective, scale, orthogonal and production drawings with sectional and exploded views, appropriate to their designs.

Students identify the steps involved in planning the production of designed solutions. They develop detailed project management plans incorporating elements, such as sequenced time, cost and action plans to manage a range of design tasks safely. Students apply management plans, changing direction when necessary, to successfully complete design tasks. They continue to identify and establish safety procedures that minimise risk and manage projects maintaining safety standards and management procedures to ensure success. Learning experiences require students to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical activities across a range of projects.

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