Year 6 SyllabusTest


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Year 6 Syllabus

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the range of concepts, skills and processes developed in previous years.

In Year 6, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society through different technology contexts as they create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to produce products and develop an understanding that designs for services and environments meet community needs.

Students have the opportunity to begin to critically examine technologies, including materials, systems, components, tools and equipment that are used regularly in the home and wider community. They explore and begin to consider ethical points of view, social impact and environmentally sustainable factors when developing design solutions. Students examine why and for whom technologies are developed.

Students have opportunities to engage with ideas beyond the familiar, exploring how people working in a range of technologies contexts contribute to society. They continue to build on design capabilities through broadening their own design ideas used in solutions. Students have opportunities to explore trends and data to predict what the future will be like, and suggest design decisions that contribute positively to preferred futures.

Using technologies to suit the purpose, students explore how to represent objects and ideas in a variety of forms to communicate the development of designed solutions. They use a range of preferred techniques to illustrate how products function.

Knowledge and understanding

Technologies and society

How people address competing considerations, including sustainability when designing products, services and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019)

Technologies contexts

Engineering principles and systems

Electrical energy and forces can control movement, sound or light in a product or system (ACTDEK020)

Food and fibre production

Past performance, and current and future needs are considered when designing sustainable food and fibre systems for products (ACTDEK021)

Food specialisations

Principles of food preparation for healthy eating (ACTDEK022)

Materials and technologies specialisations

Characteristics, properties and safe practice of a range of materials, systems, tools and equipment; and evaluate the suitability of their use (ACTDEK023)

Processes and production skills

Creating solutions by:

Investigating and defining

Define a problem, and a set of sequenced steps, with users making decisions to create a solution for a given task (WATPPS33)


Design, modify, follow and represent both diagrammatically, and in written text, alternative solutions using a range of techniques, appropriate technical terms and technology (WATPPS35)

Producing and implementing

Select, and apply, safe procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions (WATPPS36)


Develop collaborative criteria to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions (WATPPS37)

Collaborating and managing

Work independently, or collaboratively when required, considering resources and safety, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions (WATPPS38)

Achievement standard

At Standard, students identify how people address and overcome competing considerations, including sustainability, when designing products, services and environments for current and future use. In Engineering principles and systems, students connect ways electrical energy and forces can control movement, sound or light in a product or system. In Food and fibre production, students investigate and determine what past, current and future needs are to be considered when designing sustainable food and natural fibre systems for products. In Food specialisations, students identify and consider principles of food preparation and benefits of healthy eating. In Materials and technologies specialisations, students consider suitability of use when defining characteristics, properties and safe handling practices of a range of materials, systems, tools and equipment.

With all Design and Technology contexts, students identify available resources to design a solution for a given task, outlining problem-solving decisions, using sequenced steps. Students develop alternative solutions by designing, modifying and following both diagrammatically and in written text, using a range of appropriate technical terms, technologies and techniques. They select and apply safe procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions. Students develop criteria collaboratively to evaluate and justify design processes and solutions. They work independently, or collaboratively, considering resources and safety to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions.

The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8.

Year Level Description

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on the range of concepts, skills and processes developed in previous years.

In Year 6, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society through different technology contexts as they create solutions in at least one of the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to produce products and develop an understanding that designs for services and environments meet community needs.

Students have the opportunity to begin to critically examine technologies, including materials, systems, components, tools and equipment that are used regularly in the home and wider community. They explore and begin to consider ethical points of view, social impact and environmentally sustainable factors when developing design solutions. Students examine why and for whom technologies are developed.

Students have opportunities to engage with ideas beyond the familiar, exploring how people working in a range of technologies contexts contribute to society. They continue to build on design capabilities through broadening their own design ideas used in solutions. Students have opportunities to explore trends and data to predict what the future will be like, and suggest design decisions that contribute positively to preferred futures.

Using technologies to suit the purpose, students explore how to represent objects and ideas in a variety of forms to communicate the development of designed solutions. They use a range of preferred techniques to illustrate how products function.

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