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Year 5 SyllabusTest


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Year 5 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 5, the content provides students with the opportunity to focus on the influence of emotional responses on relationships and to develop skills and strategies to manage changing relationships occurring at key transition points in their lives. They learn about ways they can take action to promote safe and healthy lifestyle practices in a range of contexts. They also focus on the importance of preventive measures to enhance their own health and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Students develop and refine greater proficiency across a range of specialised movement skills, strategies and tactics. They focus on improving awareness of body position in relation to objects, other people and space, and assess how this can help them to successfully achieve movement outcomes or goals.

Students examine the different roles and responsibilities associated with physical activity participation, and continue to apply ethical behaviour that is consistent with promoting fair play and championing appropriate sporting conduct.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Ways that individuals and groups adapt to different contexts and situations (ACPPS051)

Changes associated with puberty which vary with individuals:

  • physical
  • mental
  • emotional


Reliable sources of information that inform health, safety and wellbeing, such as:

  • internet-based information
  • community health organisations
  • publications and other media

(ACPPS053; ACPPS057)

Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
For example:

  • comparing food labels on products
  • increased physical activity
  • practising sun safety
  • using action plans for emergency situations to ensure the safety of themselves and others


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Skills and strategies to establish and manage relationships over time, such as:

  • exploring why relationships change
  • assessing the impact of changing relationships on health and wellbeing
  • building new friendships
  • dealing with bullying and harassment


Ways in which inappropriate emotional responses impact on relationships, such as:

  • loss of trust
  • fear
  • loss of respect


Strategies for seeking, giving or denying consent are described, and how to communicate intentions effectively are rehearsed
For example:

  • exploring the steps of asking, responding, listening and reacting, and practising how to communicate their intentions effectively at each step
  • interpreting verbal and non-verbal cues related to seeking, giving and denying consent in a range of situations


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Preventive health measures that promote and maintain an individual's health, safety and wellbeing, such as:

  • bicycle safety
  • sun safety


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Fundamental movement skills demonstrating adjustment of force and speed to improve accuracy and control (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Linking of fundamental movement skills to specific skills used in organised games, sports and activities, such as linking throwing to basketball passing and shooting (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Basic strategies and tactics to successfully achieve a movement outcome or goal:

  • body awareness
  • spatial awareness
  • relationship to and with objects, people and space


Understanding movement

Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing:

  • control of blood pressure
  • reduced risk of heart disease
  • reduced stress
  • improved concentration


Manipulation and modification of the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people, and their effects on movement skills (ACPMP065)

Learning through movement

Responsibilities of different roles in a range of physical activities, such as:

  • player
  • coach
  • referee/umpire


Ethical behaviour in applying rules in all game situations (ACPMP069)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students identify practical strategies for promoting a healthy lifestyle and adapting to changing situations that occur as they grow and mature.

They identify emotional responses appropriate to different situations and apply skills and strategies to manage relationships over time.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of refined fundamental movement skills. They implement simple tactics in physical activity and game contexts and respond to challenges involving people, objects and space to achieve an intended outcome.

Students explain some of the benefits of regular physical activity and maintaining physical fitness in relation to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. They identify the effects on movement skills when effort, space, time, objects and people are manipulated. Students demonstrate ethical behaviour and use this to be effective when taking on the role of player, coach or referee/umpire.

Year Level Description

In Year 5, the content provides students with the opportunity to focus on the influence of emotional responses on relationships and to develop skills and strategies to manage changing relationships occurring at key transition points in their lives. They learn about ways they can take action to promote safe and healthy lifestyle practices in a range of contexts. They also focus on the importance of preventive measures to enhance their own health and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Students develop and refine greater proficiency across a range of specialised movement skills, strategies and tactics. They focus on improving awareness of body position in relation to objects, other people and space, and assess how this can help them to successfully achieve movement outcomes or goals.

Students examine the different roles and responsibilities associated with physical activity participation, and continue to apply ethical behaviour that is consistent with promoting fair play and championing appropriate sporting conduct.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.