Year 6 SyllabusTest


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Year 6 Syllabus

Year Level Description

In Year 6, the content provides students with the opportunity to refine and further develop skills and strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle including those that focus on minimising and managing conflict and building self-esteem to support healthy relationships. Students are provided with opportunities to develop skills in accessing reliable and up-to-date information, and continue to explore ways they can manage negative health influences and pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Students refine, consolidate and develop greater proficiency across a range of specialised skills, strategies and tactics in game situations and movement challenges. They focus on improving skill selection and awareness of body position in relation to objects, other people and space, in offensive and defensive contexts.

Students develop and refine interpersonal skills that support them to adopt different roles and responsibilities and perform these with competence and confidence. They are encouraged to further develop leadership roles in team situations, with a focus on sound ethical conduct and the application of a broad knowledge of sport-specific rules.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, social and community health

Being healthy, safe and active

Strategies and resources to understand and manage the changes and transitions associated with puberty, such as:

  • minimising and managing conflict
  • recognising and building self-esteem
  • selecting and managing relationships


Criteria that can be applied to sources of information to assess their credibility (ACPPS053)

Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
For example:

  • refusing medicines, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs
  • improving the nutritional value of meals
  • increasing physical activity
  • being safe in an online environment
  • developing and practising action plans for emergency situations to ensure the safety of themselves and others


Communicating and interacting for health and well being

Skills to establish and manage positive relationships, such as:

  • showing respect and empathy
  • being cooperative
  • actively listening
  • being trustworthy
  • accepting differences


Situations in which emotions can influence decision-making:

  • in peer group
  • with friends
  • with family
  • during sporting or physical activities


Strategies for seeking, giving or denying consent are described, and how to communicate intentions effectively are rehearsed
For example:

  • analysing how a person’s reaction to being denied permission to do something can affect others’ feelings and discussing options for dealing with situations when this may occur, such as feelings of disappointment, shame and anger associated with rejection


Contributing to healthy and active communities

Preventive health measures that can promote and maintain community health, safety and wellbeing, such as:

  • creating social connections for better mental health
  • meeting physical activity recommendations


Movement and physical activity

Moving our body

Fundamental movement skills demonstrating adjustment of force and speed to improve accuracy and control (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Linking of fundamental movement skills to specific skills used in organised games, sports and activities, such as linking kicking to passing and shooting in soccer (ACPMP061; ACPMP065)

Basic strategies and tactics to successfully achieve an offensive or defensive outcome or goal:

  • use of appropriate skills
  • spatial awareness
  • relationship to and with objects, people and space


Understanding movement

Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing:

  • control of weight and blood fats, such as cholesterol
  • improved concentration


The manipulation and modification of the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people, and their effects on movement skills (ACPMP065)

Learning through movement

Interpersonal skills in physical activities, such as:

  • encouragement of others
  • negotiation and sharing roles and responsibilities
  • dealing with conflicts and disagreements


Solutions to movement challenges through the use of basic strategies and tactics (ACPMP068)

Modification of rules and scoring systems in physical activities to create a more inclusive game and fairer contest (ACPMP069)

Achievement standard

Health Education

At Standard, students describe strategies that promote a healthy lifestyle and use them in a range of contexts. They identify and apply criteria to assess the credibility of different sources of health information.

Students describe skills and strategies to establish and manage positive relationships, such as using active listening and accepting differences. They identify their own emotions and how they impact on decision-making in various contexts, and provide appropriate strategies to manage these emotions.

Physical Education

At Standard, students perform a variety of refined fundamental movement skills and adapt them to move effectively in physical activity or game contexts. They implement simple tactics in response to challenges involving people, objects and space to achieve an intended outcome.

Students explain the benefits of regular physical activity and fitness to health and wellbeing. They provide a simple explanation of the effects of manipulating effort, space, time, objects and people on performance. They encourage others and are able to negotiate and deal with conflicts to achieve a positive outcome.

Year Level Description

In Year 6, the content provides students with the opportunity to refine and further develop skills and strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle including those that focus on minimising and managing conflict and building self-esteem to support healthy relationships. Students are provided with opportunities to develop skills in accessing reliable and up-to-date information, and continue to explore ways they can manage negative health influences and pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Students refine, consolidate and develop greater proficiency across a range of specialised skills, strategies and tactics in game situations and movement challenges. They focus on improving skill selection and awareness of body position in relation to objects, other people and space, in offensive and defensive contexts.

Students develop and refine interpersonal skills that support them to adopt different roles and responsibilities and perform these with competence and confidence. They are encouraged to further develop leadership roles in team situations, with a focus on sound ethical conduct and the application of a broad knowledge of sport-specific rules.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

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